Chapter six- Today is that day!

Start from the beginning


As my eyes slowly opened, the sun was beaming down on my face. I sat up, yawned, and walked out into the kitchen to make food. As I got the supplies out to make a a bowl of cereal, my eyes landed on the clock. '3:02'. I dropped the cereal box and ran for the door, grabbing my keys along the way. I was suppose to pick him up a hour ago! I raced down the road, eventually pulling into the parking lot. I ran out of the car, and looked around. I couldn't find him anywhere.

   "Look who it is!"

I turned to find the last people I wanted to see.

   "What do you want?"

   "We're going to take Natsu home. He's in the gym right now, not that it's really any of your concern."

   "And what if he doesn't want to ride with you?"

   "Oh he will."

They all laughed as they walked away. I got back in my car, and drove home. I feel bad for him. I just left him there with those lunatics. 

Natsu's pov

I stood at the window, watching Lucy and those girls talk. They laughed at her while walking away, and she got in the car and drove off. They walked into the school, stopped when they seen me, and squealed. 

   "Oh my gosh!"

   "Look, its Natsu!"

One girl walked up, looked me up and down, then smiled. 

   "Hello, Natsu. My name's Vivian. We'll be driving you home today."


   "Lucy said she didn't want you in her car anymore. She says it grosses her out even being close to you."

Did Luce say all those things?

   "Right...well, I don't need a ride. I'll walk."

I began leaving the school when someone grabbed my arm. 

   "Come on, Natsu. We are more that happy too-"

   "I said I don't need a ride."

After pulling my arm away, I left a shocked and surprised looking girl behind me. I meant what I said, I was going to walk home. It took about a half hour, but I finally made it back. I walked inside, and went to check on Lucy. 

   "I'm home!"

No reply.

   "Hey, Luce!"

No reply.

   "Lucy? Where are you?"

   "I'm in my room. What do you want?"

   "Nothing, I guess..."

She seemed so distant. Could those girls really have meant what they said? I don't care. I walked into her room, and seen her hugging a pillow, blankets thrown off the bed. 



   "Feeling any better?"


   "I can take you out to eat, if you want."

   "I'm okay."

   "You sure?"


I sighed and left her alone in the room. I just want to know what's wrong. 

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