Chapter Thirty-Six: An Account From The Wind

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"No," Faeore says to Alec in an urgent tone, "not like this."

He takes her hand in his and squeezes tightly, "Now is not the time for picking and choosing, Faeore. You have to do this without Duhamas."

She looks down at her swollen belly and begins to utter words Alec has to strain to hear. "I used the Wishing Box," she says to him, "I used it to communicate with Skaya."

He stops, blinking, "Did it work?"

She shakes her head, "I do not know. I fear it may not have been a strong enough connection to get through to her. But maybe Duhamas..."

It is his turn to shake his head now. "If you connect with him, you'll be tempted to tell him all you have found out. No good will come of it, I know that much."

"Then you know little!" she snaps at him angrily, pushing him away. "If I'm going to have this child, his child, he has every right to know when it's coming!"

He lets his glare fall on her face. "But think of it: if he finds out now, how do you think he will feel in knowing that he cannot be here for it? Wherever he is, I'm sure he is finding a way home, Faeore. You must do what you can without him." He urges her. "This would only be a distraction to him, however valid it may be."

She bites her lip as the pain swells again, "If I do not tell Duhamas what I know, you will not tell Skaya. Agreed?"

He nods and shakes her limp hand. "Agreed. Now, let's get you to one of the midwives before the worst of it comes!"

Kingdom's Vice Series: A Voyage of Vengeance ( #2 2015)Where stories live. Discover now