Chapter Four

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The arrows fly with a swiftness that only Alleria can conjure. There is little sound, only a sweet cutting slice through the air is all. There are thousands hovering in the sky, floating down to the target: a small ship with a set of grey sails; only large enough to hold two people at most. I see two figures plonk into the water, a man and a woman. The man helps the weak woman to her feet, both of them staggering and dodging arrows as they came their way. The woman, I notice, holds her belly protectively and then it hits me: the woman is with child. If we go ahead with the defence, we will be killing not two people, but three.

Before I can even think it through-

-'Relair!' I call out in a loud voice, startling all of the archers into a momentary halt. They all look to me as the last arrow flies, tagging the man in the thick of his leg. He groans and falls into the water face down, the woman beside him wailing desperately. I called out the only Allerian battle command I knew: relair, which was essentially, 'Halt!' What good it will do the mysterious couple is yet to be seen. I can only hope.

Alec stares at me in disbelief. He doesn't even know what I've done. Or does he? I fear he does not approve, but what I fear more is that when Uncle finds out, he will to the deed himself.

'What is the King's command?' one archer yells out to me, his finger stroking the bowstring. He wants to end them, I see it in his eyes. 'My Lady?'

I swallow, my eyes searching for the injured man below the depths, but I do not see him. I hope, pray that he will emerge from the glistening water, alive.

'Hold your fire,' Alec covers for me in his most authoritative voice, strong and wilful. I smile proudly as the majority of the archers lower their bows and slip their arrows back in their quivers.

'You fools!' the one archer scorns them roughly, smacking one of them on the back of their armour. 'We take no orders from impure blood! Let alone from a woman of half-blood!'

I feel a coolness press into my palm. My fingers feel it, memorize the hilt of it, the carvings. Before I know it, I am upon him like a rain of fire. I press the edge of the knife against his throat and in that, I can feel the life pulse through him. Though I cannot kill him, pain is always an option.

'Half-blood or not,' I hiss, 'Do not think I would not open your throat in front of all your men.'

He just stares at me and chuckles a harsh laugh. 'Little girl, you think blades will save you? You may have sworn your oath to your Uncle, but he cannot protect you from the scum of the earth, like them.' His eyes flicker to the battered ship. 'You cannot depend on him forever, or your husband. There is only so much they can do, My Lady. You would do well to remember that enemies among your own is worse than an enemy from foreign shores.'

His threats disarm me for a moment and find myself at Alec's side again. My mouth trembles with unspoken words, yet I stay utterly silent. Silent as death. Alec takes my hand in his and smiles against my cheek, his hot breath warming me.

I turn away, bury my face in the soft spot just below his collarbone and breathe a heavy sigh. We are killers. We are murderers. I dare not to look at them, for I fear their faces will haunt me. Alec's arms remain wrapped around me, shielding me from the wind that has blown our way, and I feel the slight trace of his fingers stroking my shoulder blades.

'What is it?' I croak out, keeping my eyes locked on his shirt, the fraying and stained fabric dyeing his whole figure dirty cream.

He pauses for a moment, letting the wind roll by and maybe steal his words, before he finds them again and goes on to say, 'The archers have released their arrows.' He says rather flatly. He doesn't say it in a grave, regretful tone, which lifts a weight from my chest. 'She's carrying a child,' he notes sadly, 'you noticed?'

I nod, 'Is she dead?'

I feel his neck move from side to side, 'No, she's alive. Injured.'

'And her husband?'

He says nothing for a while and I feel myself shudder. It cannot be good. I bite my lip and pull away so I'm looking up at him, just under his chin.


He looks down at me with closed lips and I suddenly feel afraid of what words might slip out of them if he's not careful.

'He's bound,' the archer answers roughly, returning an arrow to his quiver quietly. He never lowered his bow. Not once. He is a ruthless Allerian, the kind Uncle is if he's forced. 'Bound in chains only the King himself can break. As for the woman,' he continues, 'they'll probably dispose of her by sundown. We'll have no strays here.'

I tense at his words and feel the urge to strike at him, but for Alec's sake I stay calm. 'And what were we when we arrived here?' I retort. The archer stands back in defeat and raises his hands.

'Have your moment, My Lady,' he hisses to me, 'but it will end, and so will your Uncle's spell when he realizes what evil they bring here. You brought us nothing but war when the armies of Bardhelm came to our shores. Your kindness has done the same with these rustics!'

Kingdom's Vice Series: A Voyage of Vengeance ( #2 2015)Where stories live. Discover now