Chapter Twenty-Two

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I hear the conversation playing out in the throneroom. The woman's voice is coarse, rough from the winds in Katan and the mead they wash down their meals with. I imagine her gafawwing in a bar full of sweat riddled men, all squabbling amongst themselves for whatever coin they can gain.

"I see your reputation precedes you, Lady de Susa," the king begins in a smooth voice, as if trying avoid her web of seduction. "I'm sure burning Bardhelm to the ground was not your sole intention."

I tense and my heart quickens. Alec is there, hand on his sword-hilt, at the ready. Pride of the King's Guard, he is.

She chuckles, "Of course not," she replies rather proudly, "but it certainly reminded me of the stakes involved in this. I don't want to harm an innocent child, Xertormei."

"It's King Xertormei to you and of which child do you speak?" he snaps back.

She sighs, "In your land, perhaps, but here, we speak as one leader to another. It takes a certain kind of person to lead, does it not? And your father chose you." She laughs again. "I can see the line winding all beyond the shores—the line of men eager to take your place." I can hear her smiling. "Oh? You do not know? The king and queen have a son, Garsef. Merely a few months old at the most. He witnessed the entire ordeal, poor thing."

"If any harm comes to him, you have my word that I will not be merciful. And I have no fear," he replies cooly, with grace, "for my people are not as savage as yours prove to be. My people do not seek power."

"No," she says slowly, tasting each word, "they do not. But they do live forever, however. A luxury other men would kill for. The irony is astounding, come to think of it."

Uncle chuckles a little, but then he stops short. "I want no more of this. No more games, no more gimmicks. Take what it is you came here for and release my people to me."

"Not all of them are your people, I noticed. The king is of Bardhelm, not of Alleria."

I hear him rise from his seat, "His wife is my son in-law's kin. She is so mine. Release them, all of them."

Alec nods to me. Things are going according to plan.

She thinks about it, clicks her tongue. "Fine," she says, "but I do with Renharlow as I please, no intervening from your men. Are we agreed?"

I hear their hands slap together. "We have an accord," he replies firmly. They pace the room together up and down the lengths of the great hall. Their footsteps echo and I follow the sound loosely.

"I will send for representatives to see that the deal is done as agreed," uncle continues, "nightfall."

She nods and I hear the swish of her cape. "I'll be waiting."

Kingdom's Vice Series: A Voyage of Vengeance ( #2 2015)Where stories live. Discover now