Chapter Sixteen: An Account By Gweyntarr Al'Taine

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I only saw him once. But in that single second I knew what love was, what it could be. I wondered if I could have it with him, someone so fixed on greed. But were we so different? I suppose not. He was training one day, his sword clashing against the trunk of an enduring tree, one that had suffered much at the hand of the swordsman before him. I pitied it, but only for a moment. I lowered my hood and met his eyes. He dropped his sword.

"Good day to you, my lady." He greeted me with a charming smile. Charming fool.

"May the Light shine on you this day,"

His lips quivered then. He looked from side to side, over his shoulder: "Allerian?"

"Your observations skills betray your features, Mr. Ivorian," I teased him. He laughed at that; a good laugh too; hearty, genuine. "Pity your sword is in the dirt," I said, "I thought it was rather pretty."

His face lit up. "R-really?" he bent down and picked it up, dusting it off on his sleeve. "I've been training with it since I was a boy. The Master Swordsman has been teaching me how to use it. My sister has one like it, just hers is silver."

My eyes widened then. "You have a sister?"

He nodded, "Her name is Skaya. Should you ever meet her, know this: she has a fiery tongue. Beware if I were you."

"I do hope I never meet her, then." I laughed, letting my hair fall against my cheek, painting the sky white. I turned my back.

"Wait!" he called out to me, his arm outstretched and his eyes full of hope. "Will you not tell me your name?"

I smiled, "Gweyntarr. Gweyntarr Al'Taine."

He chuckled, "And will you think of my often, Gweyntarr?"

I giggled and held a finger to my lips as I pouted. "I fear I shall never stop, mister...?"

"Redermarke," he replied, "Redermarke Dunedine."

I bit my lip as a warmth spread through me. I never knew Meyn could be so attractive. "A fine name. And will I be seeing you again, Mr. Redermarke?"

He stepped forward and eagerly took my hand. He turned it over and kissed the inside of my palm. "I do pray so, my lady."

Kingdom's Vice Series: A Voyage of Vengeance ( #2 2015)Where stories live. Discover now