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There were tales, when I was a little girl; tales of faraway lands filled with magical creatures and impossible people. Not long ago, I discovered that the tales were true. Alleria, the land across the Sea, known for the vanity of its inhabitants, was in fact truly existent. The same could not be said; however, of other tales often told to children in an effort to spark their imaginations. My imagination is wild enough as it is, and it seems it carries people with it.

If you have followed me here, you would know of the events that had occurred over a year ago now; events that were tragic and unexpected. I did not expect my tale to be told at all, and so, I shall be the one to tell it, with all accounts accurate and true as they were when they happened. The Wind likes to contribute an account here and there, to even things out (but secretly, my theory is that they are jealous that I get to tell the tale...they love their stories).

I am not a criminal, not anymore, I suppose. You knew me then, when I was a Sapphire-stealing-Ivorian in search of mythical, make-believe kingdoms. But you know me now, too. Skaya, Daughter of Fredenya the Princess of Alleria in times long past.

Do not be so quick to judge on these accounts, for I can only describe them in the details I hence recall, everything else that is not recorded here floats in possibility. But, that being said, I do hope that you find some comfort in this account, for you will come to know what had become of us (Alec and I), after our journey to Alleria was over.

Kingdom's Vice Series: A Voyage of Vengeance ( #2 2015)Where stories live. Discover now