Zayn gently set Liam down on a third bar stool and drowsily walked to the oven to take out the tray of rolls. He watched as his love made small talk with their sons. Honestly, Zayn really hoped that this baby was a girl. Zayn loved the idea of having a little girl to protect from boys. He loved taking care of his little sisters, especially Safaa, who had an affinity for Niall when they were dating in college. To him, there was just something about the idea of having a baby daughter that warmed his heart in a way that having sons never could (although he would never admit that out loud). He would love his unborn child either way, and he knew Niall would too. 

"What time is everybody coming over, then?" Zayn asked as he pushed the tray of cinnamon rolls into the oven, oblivious to the fact that his husband was staring at his behind. However (almost) non-existent it was, Niall always seemed to love his bum. 

"Around two, I think is what Trish said," Niall checked the message she had sent him earlier this morning for reassurance. 

"Grandma's coming over?" Louis' mischievous blue eyes that he had inherited from Niall started to twinkle in delight. He loved his grandma as much as anything, and he always looked forward to seeing her. 

"And grandpa too!" Niall smiled as the twins danced around in their seats; they loved Yaser! He rose from his seat and began to walk around the kitchen and dining room so he wouldn't get cramped up. Niall placed both hands on either side of his belly and yawned adorably. 

"Well, I think I'm going to take a shower before anybody gets here," He said, ruffling the hair on the back of his head. Niall slowly trudged up the stairs and disappeared into his and Zayn's bedroom, shutting the door behind him. 

Zayn dismissed the boys from their breakfasts and took their plates to the dishwasher, all the while humming along to a song that had been playing on the small radio on the counter


Niall carefully stepped over the ledge of the tub and wrapped a large yellow towel around himself. After brushing his teeth and hair, he proceeded to pick out some nice clothes to wear on his husband's birthday. Niall slipped on a large, knitted, beige coloured sweater of Zayn's (honestly, they were the only thing that fit him nowadays) and a pair of black maternity jeans. Just as he finished pulling some fluffy grey socks on, the doorbell rang. He could hear Zayn vaguely shout "I'll get it!" before the door was opened. Several high-pitched voices rang throughout the hallway as Niall walked down the stairs and into the entryway.

"Niall!" Safaa attacked him and hugged him as best she could. She still adored Niall, although her affection for him had toned down quite a bit since he first met her. Niall smoothed her straight dark hair back and gave her a little hug before moving onto Walihya (who had also fancied him in the beginning a little bit as well, although she'd never admit that).

"Hi, Niall!" He kissed her cheek as he always did when they saw each other. After they parted, she and went to go greet her brother, Niall made his way towards his mother-in-law. 

"Oh, love," Trisha smothered Niall in hugs and kisses and stepped back to take him in. "You're getting so big now!" She put her hands on his belly in excitement and Niall grinned as he saw the glee in her dark brown eyes. "How're you feelin'?" 

"I honestly haven't even had any false contractions yet, so I think I'm good!" Niall laughed. Zayn gently pushed past him and went outside to help his dad, who was getting some dishes out of the car that his wife insisted they take with them. Only seconds later, Zayn and Yaser stepped back in through the door with plastic tubs of delicious smelling food. Niall quickly took some containers from his husband's arms and waddled into the kitchen to set them down and put the finishing touches on Zayn's cake. 

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