Chapter four-School

Start from the beginning

I sighed in relief and gave a small shrug. 

   "Well next time say that!"

He nodded and we both headed home. Neither of us said anything for the rest of the night, and I just bought dinner. I finished my homework around ten, and laid down. I still feel upset thinking about Natsu going with Lisanna for some reason, and I can't figure out why. 


My alarm went off the next morning, and I slowly got out of bed. I had brushed my teeth, and gotten dressed when I remembered Natsu. Without thinking, I walked into his room to wake him. 

   "Hey Natsu-"

I opened my eyes, and seen him awake, already getting dressed. My face started turning red, and I ran out of his room, slamming the door. 

   "Natsu, I'm really sorry!"

He walked out, and gave me a awkward smile. 

   "Don't worry about it. I only had my shirt off, no big deal."

He left and walked into the bathroom. My face was still red after I finished getting ready. 

   "Natsu, its time to go."

   "Okay, just let me get my shoes on." 

We walked out, and got into the car. 

   "Again, sorry for walking in on you."

   "Don't worry about it. Its not a big deal."

I let out a sigh and focused on the road. 

   "Hey Luce, why are you wearing a baggy sweatshirt? And your hair is even messy...I thought that's just how you dressed on the weekends."

I shot him a glare and he started looking nervous. 

   "Well excuse me for not wearing clothes that outline every last thing on my body, pounds of makeup, and having my hair all done! I'm sure you'll see plenty of that surrounding you at school!"

The words were like venom coming from my mouth. 

   "R-right, sorry."

I let out yet another sigh, and pulled up to the school. Natsu got out of the car, and was instantly surrounded by girls. 

   "Natsu, you look great!"

   "I love your scarf!"

   "Natsu, I missed you so much!"

I stepped out of the car, and shut the door, getting many looks from all the girls. 

   "Who's that?"

   "Why is Natsu with her?"

   "My Natsu better not be dating her."

Natsu looked at me and gave me a nervous smile. I started walking away, only to be tripped by someone. I landed on the ground with a hard 'thud', and dropped all my books. 

   "That's what you get!"

Laughter filled the air, when I felt someone grab my arm, helping me up.

   "You okay, Luce?"

All the laughter stopped, and the tension was so think, you could cut it. 

   "I'm fine."

I reached for my book at the same time Natsu did, and drew my hand back before they touched. I grabbed all my other books, took the one Natsu had, and rushed off. I could feel Natsu looking at me as I left. 

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