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Like tear drops that fall onto the unwritten love letter.

Drops that shine, an oxygenated red, drip.

The music shakes the room. 

Shoulders are quivering in distraught.

The curtains lay against the cold window, 

Listening to the whispers of the rain crash to their demise. 

Bone white knuckles pushing against the fleshy barrier.

Stomping outside the door passes back, and forth. 

Ears ring from all the noise.

All the noise mixing into that tiny head.

Scratched, tossed, and mixed in your brain.

Blurry vision mixes colors like noise.

Reds, and creams. 

Tears, and screams. 

Shimmering blade bolted to one another.

Bashing against each other like lovers in a quarrel.

Harming others, unknowingly. 

You cry but their yelling covers them.

It's alright.

No need to worry.

Those words echo as the belt curves to your skin. 

Wear a jacket in the house. 

Complain of wrist pain, and wrap it up.

Say you are tired, and cry quietly all day.

Only to fall asleep wishing to never awaken. 

Don't let them know, demons only spread to those who call them. 

Shimmering eyes that wish to unseen what has been seen. 

Quivering lip wanting to call out. 


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