This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Tony (Avengers x reader)

Start from the beginning

Steve was heartbroken. It felt like he had been ripped in half. Tears streamed down your face, but these weren't your emotions, they were his. What was happening to him? What did that witch do to his mind? You decided that the only thing that could do this to your husband was something from his past. Was it Bucky? No, he was getting closer to finding him with Sam's help. It had to be Peggy. You never spoke of her in any detail, but you knew the story. This was one of your fears; that you wouldn't live up to the legacy she left in his mind. She was his first love, a great love that took him so long to move beyond. It was his one concern for you in the relationship; could he provide the love that you deserved and finally let her go? What if he lost you like he had lost her? The feelings barraging you now were those fears as he was forced to revisit the past. If only you could reach him to-

"(Y/N), get away!"

Oh no. No, no, no this can't happen. Your emotions were compromised. Lifting yourself from the floor of the jet you turned to see Bruce, struggling to maintain himself. The green hue was spreading quickly, he was panting, groaning, struggling to stop it. But this time it was different- his eyes were glowing a terrible, ominous red.

Trying to block the others out so you could focus on Bruce, you raised your hands to him in an effort to project calm. "Bruce, I need you to focus. I need you to try to stay calm. You're being controlled. This isn't you. Bruce, look at me."

It wasn't working.

The Hulk charged at you, slamming you into the windshield of the Quinjet. "Bruce, you need to fight this..." you struggled, trying to regain your breath through the pain. "Can anyone copy? I need backup. Banner..."

But he was gone, running from the jet in a confused rage. "Tony, can you hear me? You need to stop Bruce! He's out of control and going towards the city. I couldn't get to him. Her power over him is too strong."

It was a bit of a blur after that. You could hear your brother's voice but it wasn't clear what he said. The cockpit began to spin. Your heart was racing and you felt cold but sweaty at the same time.

Wow. That's a lot of blood.


"Tony, we gotta fly! (Y/N) is down and Steve's gonna lose it if we don't get out of here now." Clint was clearly panicked, but you had no strength to help him.

"Come on, Bruce, you gotta work with me!"

A loud rumble shook the jet, like a building crashing in every direction. That couldn't be Tony, could it? Moments later, Tony appeared with an ill-looking Bruce in tow. Steve lunged at the doctor, who didn't make any attempt to protect himself. He was broken, and would never be able to look you in the eye again. He almost welcomed Steve's rage.

As chaos broke out within the team, you finally succumbed to unconsciousness.

Part 3

"So, run and hide?"

The team was a mess. Broken, beaten, eviscerated. Natasha stared blankly ahead, emotionless and still. Bruce was struggling with his inner demons and appeared to be fighting a losing battle. He wrapped himself tightly in a blanket, hoping to hide himself from the others; shame and regret enveloping him. You wanted to help your friends, but you were too weak and just too tired. In your haze you could hear Tony and Clint talking quietly as the jet made it's way through the night sky. But where could you hide? The Avengers weren't known as a group that blended in...well, anywhere.


Steve was at your side as Dr. Cho tended to your wounds. Tony was able to contact her before she left New York and brought her in for a 'house call' on her way back to Seoul. "You're very lucky, (Y/N). You lost a lot of blood, but these wounds can be repaired. I've regenerated as much tissue as I can safely, so now it's up to you to rest and let your body recover. Fortunately, with your modified DNA, it shouldn't take too long." You could hear Bruce groan at these words, refusing to allow himself any forgiveness in what happened to you.

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