Chapter 9: Sentient

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Michelangelo lingers behind everyone while Sarina tells them about what happened the previous night. Leonardo seems to be deep in thought, Destiny's eyes are alight and her ears are perked, Raphael looks ticked that someone would mess with Sarina, and Donatello just looks concerned as he runs one hand up and down Sarina's spine.

Master Splinter stands next to Michelangelo, noting his son's troubled expression. "Michelangelo, is there something wrong?" he inquires.

"That freaky rainbow chick attacked Sarina and before, she was in Annalise's phone," he says as he fidgets with his fingers. "What if she hurts either of them? What if—"

"My son, we will focus on this new enemy together. Do not fear for your sister. After all, she is far too intelligent to simply let this be," Splinter murmurs, placing a hand on Michelangelo's shoulder. "Remain calm, so that your thoughts may become clear."

Leonardo lets out an audible hum, making Michelangelo's head snap to him. "The world will fall," he repeats, shaking his head as he strokes his chin. "So this virus thing is definitely hostile."

Donatello nods. "Definitely. Question is, how do we find out more about her?" he wonders.

"She's hostile. That's reason enough to smash her face in," Raphael growls, fist meeting palm.

"Right, Raph, because you can just punch computer viruses," Destiny retorts with an eye-roll.

Raphael lifts his fist, unclenching and clenching it a few times. "I can try."

"Um...guys?" Michelangelo pipes up as he shuffles closer. "Annalise needs help too."

"Is this another—" Donatello starts.

"No, I'm not kidding. She sent me an email asking for help and I think it's because of this virus lady," he snaps, earning a few shocked yet impressed looks. "I saw that thing on her phone screen and took a screenshot! I bet Annalise still has it."

Raphael rolls his eyes. "Do you honestly think—"

"I say we try it," Sarina interrupts. "I saw the email. We should at least talk to her."

Destiny's tail flicks, but she nods slowly. "And...I should apologize for knocking her out."

Leonardo's sapphire eyes flicker to Michelangelo and he smiles lightly. "Okay, message her and arrange a spot to meet up. Make it tonight, if that works," he says.

"Yes sir, Captain Leo, sir!" Michelangelo responds, already bouncing up and down with glee.


Annalise waits at one of the smaller skate spots in her area, sitting on the half-pipe and watching for any sign of PizzaNunchucker. She's nervous, having never met a fan of hers before and certainly not like this. It's weird knowing that this guy already knows a lot about her and she knows next to nothing about him.

All she can hope for is that he believes her about the virus.

Becoming rather bored with just sitting and waiting, she gets to her feet. She clips her helmet on and readies her skateboard, staring down the daunting dip beneath her. She's only ever gone down it once and it ended with a broken wrist.

She winces at the memory and adjusts her wrist guards before she positions the skateboard under her foot and takes a few deep breaths.

Meanwhile, Michelangelo races far ahead of the rest of his family, feeling like he could pass out at any second. The others follow in relative silence, cautious and preparing for the worst. When they reach the spot, Michelangelo is the only one who continues on ahead. Leonardo said that it would be best if he met Annalise first and tested the waters.

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