Chapter 22: Forgotten

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"How are you feeling Hinata?" The doctor asked looking at my chart.

"I feel fine." Hinata says smiling up at the doctor.

"Do you still not remember why you're in here?" He asked looking down at me with concerned eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't. I remember everyone when they come and visited me but I don't remember any mission, demon, or why I am here." I answer looking down at my hands noticing a simple gold band around my ring finger. I touch it.

"I have no reason to keep you in the hospital. Just take it easy for a while and come to me right away if any memories come back." The doctor informed. I nodded and got up from the white bed I sat on.

I walked out into the streets of Konoha and was greeted by my Anbu teammates, all of them.

"Hey guys!" I called waving at them as I gave Naruto, Kiba, Shino, and Shikamaru hugs. "I missed you guys!"

"We missed you too." Naruto said giving me his big, bright smile.

We all stood there an awkward atmosphere falling on us. "What's wrong guys?" I asked looking as all of them dropped their gazes.

"It just doesn't feel like we have our whole team here, you know?" Kiba said but was answered with a smack from the other guys.

"I suppose." I shrugged looping my arms through Kiba's and Shino's arms and lead the guys out to eat. I had been in the hospital for a week since losing my memory. Not even Sakura knew what had happened to me. No brain injury, nothing, its like someone forcibly took a piece of my memory.

I looked down at my finger again and sighed staring down at the ring. Shino noticed me looking and nudged me.

"Any memories coming back?" He rasped out behind his collar.

"None, but I'm okay with that. They'll come back sooner or later." I answered smiling up at him, yet at the same time I felt a gaping whole tearing me apart inside trying to claw away at a thin layer of film covering the memory or person that was suppose to fill that hole.


Once we arrived at the shop Gaara was there ready to greet us. During my stay at the hospital he visited me everyday keeping me company and trying to fill in gaps that the doctors couldn't fill in for themselves. It wasn't like the whole memory was gone just gaps within a memory, like a person was there but erased out of the memory; someone special.

I walked straight to him and gave him a big hug and then we all sat down. We caught up with the current events going on in the village. Shikamaru was expecting again with Temari, Kiba and Ino were trying to have children, and Shino was still obsessed with his bugs. Naruto didn't have much news as the Hokage for he didn't have much of a life outside of the mounds of paperwork at the office, but he did hint at the possibility of love. Gaara didn't say much as usual and was more interested in what Naruto or I had to say given he had a deeper friendship with us than the others.

We all laughed and had a great time catching up but then chaos happened.

Your friends blame you. A voice whispered. You don't remember but you are the reason for Naruto's sad eyes and the team's disconnection.

What are you talking about? I asked it within my mind.

You will find out soon darling.

Screams and shouts for a medical ninja broke the peaceful day. I ran out the shop looking for who made the distress call. I hadn't been cleared to apply my medical abilities on anyone but in a case of an emergency, especially life and death, I figured they'd forgive me.

I ran towards the gate that allowed people in and out of the village and saw a dark haired, onyx eyed man stumbling in, bleeding profusely. I rushed towards him and caught him before he could fall.

"Sir? Sir? Are you okay? Talk to me. Stay awake!" I called to him as I activated my blood trait and examined his body wounds. How is he alive? I asked myself as I see that his body was almost in tatters. "Can you tell me your name?" I asked trying to distract him from the pain that was about to occur as I tried to reconnect his tendons and muscles.

"Sasuke?" I looked behind me to see my team and Gaara standing behind me.

"You know this man?" I asked as I refocused on the dark hair man. Just as the tissue started to reconnect he started scream and writhing below my hands. "Hold him still! Get more doctors we need all the help we can get." I yelled as Gaara and Naruto grabbed onto Sasuke's legs and shoulders holding him down. Medical ninja's ran in and got to work on the other tendons.

Hours later Sasuke was mostly healed except for definite wounds that needed to be stitched and bones that needed to be reset, but he would live.

He was taken to the hospital on a gurney and with how much all of us medical ninjas healed him within a few days he would be healed up.


"Do you really not know who Sasuke is?" Naruto asked looking at me across the table as we ate a bowl of Ramen.

"No. I've never seen him in my life." I answered shrugging casually. I seriously had no idea who the dark haired man was that came into the village a couple days ago. "I'm going to visit him today though and make sure he's okay and he is settled into his home." I remarked.

"Be careful. You might not know who he is but he might know you." He vaguely said looking away. "Anyways I have to go have a good day Hinata."


We departed ways after that. I went to the hospital after buying flowers and walked into Sasuke's hospital room. When I walked in Sasuke was sitting up in his bed and the moment he saw my face he smiled.

"Hello Sasuke, how are you feeling?" I asked setting the flowers on the side table next to his bed.

"Much better now that you're here." He answered leaning his head up towards mine.

I smiled and sat down next to his bed. I saw a slight disappointed look in his eyes when I looked back at him.

"Did you miss me at all?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Before I left we fought I just want to say sorry."

"We know each other?" I asked

"What? Of course we know each other." He remarked his voice raising a little with anger.

"I don't know you. Two days ago was the first time I've ever seen you." I said calmly.

"Hinata. You've got to be kidding. Please tell me you're joking." Now his voice wasn't angry but more sad and broken.

"I don't know you." I answered stepping back.

"Sasuke! How do you feel?" Kiba's voice drew both of our attentions to the door where the wolf stood. Once he saw the awkward atmosphere and the look on Sasuke face he seemed to know what was happening. "Sorry to intrude."

"It's fine we were done anyways." I say as I walk out, but I was compelled to stop once I reached the outside of the door and listened.

"She says she doesn't know me! What the hell happened Kiba?!" Sasuke asked angrily but his voice broke at the same time from despair.

"She went crazy after they heard you were dead. She started seeing things and yelling at no one. She was admitted in the hospital and one day she woke up with no memory of you. She was able to come home just two days ago when you made it back." Kiba answered solemnly. "The doctors said that news of your death was so traumatic that she forced herself to forget."

"What?" the ninja asked.

"Hinata has purposefully forgotten about only you."


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