Chapter 3: Training

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                        The next few days passed by with examinations, needles, and medical charts. By the time two days past my body was sore but manageable. I left the hospital the night before I had to train with Sasuke.

Sasuke Uchiha. The name left a bitter taste in my mouth. Each syllable pronounced clearly one by one left me wanting to pour acid down my throat. An unquenchable burning persisted in my throat the more I thought of the dreadful man.

Daylight disappeared as I crawled in bed wanting to gain energy for the next day’s training. I closed my eyes as the sun disappeared leaving only the moon to cast small shadows across my bedroom floor. I closed my eyes anxious for, maybe, the most challenging day of my life. My body relaxed to a calm state of comfort, but my mind raced allowing no rest. I will never get to sleep with this anxiety will I? I told my active subconscious.

I woke up the next morning feeling as if I had just laid my head down to sleep. I looked out my window seeing it was still dark and that daybreak was emerging. I had about an hour to get ready and go to the training grounds. My body screamed to go back to sleep but my mind willed my body to move off the soft mattress that had formed a cocoon around my body. Once out of bed I showered and got dress eating a small breakfast.

As I finished breakfast I glanced out the window and noticed my hour went by faster than I thought. I grabbed my jacket and ran as fast as I could to the training grounds. I reached the clearing just as the sun broke through the surface of the land. In that moment training began.

I was attacked simultaneously from all angles. I activated my Byakugan just in time to dodge the various shirikens and other ninja weapons. After the shirikens fell to the ground just centimeters to applying a deathly blow to my vital organs a new attack came. One I knew too well. Gen jutsu consumed my mind as it had before, but this time I was prepared for the cries, blood, and suffering deaths. I walked through it all quickly looking for the source of chakra causing the Gen jutsu. Once I found the steady stream of chakra I followed it deep into the forest never letting my guard down, periodically checking my blind spot.

As I traveled through the forest the brush became thicker. Just as I thought I had made it through the thickest part I was grabbed from behind. Instantly the Gen jutsu stopped. Slowly the capturer’s lips formed next to my ear and whispered causing shocks of lightening to spark through my body, “To slow; you just died because you allowed yourself to have hope of finding me.”

Poof! My body disappeared and all was left was air. “A shadow clone jutsu. Ha, I thought the idiot was the only one that used that.” The figure stepped from the shadows exposing Sasuke. I hid farther in the shadows of the trees seeing a malicious smirk form on the usual placid face. “Death will soon come though, princess.” Just as the words escaped through his lips his eyes shifted to where I was. Red sharingan eyes stared deep into my soul.

My body was frozen I couldn’t move. I blinked. Red was all I could see suddenly. Sasuke Uchiha was now directly in front of me. I jumped back before he could get a hand on me. He followed laughing malevolently. I stopped running and went into a stance that no other Hyuuga but me used. Most people mistaken it for the Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Palms, but sadly for them they realize it too late.

As I placed my foot into a locked position Sasuke had already caught up and the game of cat-and-mouse turned into a battle between two different Genkai Kekkais. Byakugan went up against Sharingan. Everything seemed to slow as my body moved on its own, parrying each strike from the Uchiha. My white eyes searched frantically for an opening as I constantly dodged the hits.

Just as I thought my arms would fall off from Sasuke’s strength I found an opening to one of his vital chakra points. I quickly allowed my defense down for a second as my fingertips pierced the point just below his left arms collarbone. In that instance his arm dropped to his side lifeless.

I quickly went back to defense but it was too late he shot a hit to my chest forcing me back against a tree. The bark cracked as my body went numb and I slumped to the ground. Sasuke flew in before I could blink. I was ready to get back up but stopped frozen when I felt cold metal press against my jugular.

“You lose.” He said again. I bowed my head in defeat not until trying to move my body. I was paralyzed! “You can’t move. I hit your chakra point. Your body has now paralyzed itself trying to push the chakra through your veins.”His voice was demonic as I accepted my fate of “death” giving up on trying to move my immobile limbs.

The cold blade left my neck and my body all at once had a surge of energy as the chakra was finally able to push through the clot. I stood up immediately ready for another round of attacks. The black eyed man grunted in amusement. “Take it easy. That’s enough for this morning. Good fighting skills come from patience. You did better than what most would expect given you were able to lay a hit on me, but you were slow getting back into defense.” I nodded listening carefully to the critiques he gave me.

Even though Sasuke had said we were done fighting it didn’t mean we were done training. He had me move into different fighting stances and combos. He adjusted as I moved through each step by shouting out orders.

“Remember these for tomorrow’s lesson. Use them often, but don’t forget to use your common stance you used when fighting me. It will confuse the enemy into thinking you’re doing your cousins Eight Trigram Sixty-four palms.” He said scowling as my face lit up from the compliment. Promptly, I shied away from his glower and looked out at the horizon. I suddenly realized how late it had gotten once I saw the deep red and orange sun kissing the surface of the hills.

“That’s all for today. Go home and rest.” Sasuke said sighing as he turned to walk away.

“Wait.” I said reaching out to grab his arm but dropped my arm remembering who he was. Sasuke turned around with a placid, emotionless face. “Thank you for helping me.” I said looking down at my feet.

I looked up when I heard a muffled laugh. “Don’t think for one moment I’m doing this for you. I’m merely following orders. If it was up to me I would have told you to give up on being a ninja. You’re far too weak for even me to train you to perfection; that’s why I expect you to work your hardest, anything less than your best will be reported to the Hokage as you not wanting to become a medical ninja for my team. Now go home before you irritate me more.”

I stood there motionless shocked at how, with such an emotionless voice, words could cut into my inner core so deeply. I nodded and bowed, “Hai.” I said before I took my leave making my way towards my house. Instead of sleeping and resting like Sasuke had advised I trained more working on perfecting my stances and fighting combos before tomorrow’s training session.


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