Chapter 10: Finding Love

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 The next day Sasuke and I didn't speak to each other and acted as though the kiss never happened. When the kiss was over I left not wanting the captain to see my bright red face. When morning came the air was crisp, the Uchiha was lying in bed still, and the rest of the team was training with Suna ninjas.

 When I went out to train I was alone, that was until Gaara came and joined me. "Kazekage." I greeted bowing deeply at the waist as he approached.

 "Didn't I already tell you to drop the formalities." He joked and stood in front of me. "Would you be willing to allow me to train with you?" He asked which I was surprised but I knew I needed the training. The only reason Sasuke was hurt was because he was protecting me. I nodded and stepped back in a fighting stance.

 Gaara smiled and stood in a nonchalant stance. I waited for the attack but it never came. My Genkai Kenkai was already activated but I saw nothing. No surge of chakra, no movement of sand, everything was still. I went for the attack, but he must have seen it coming. His sand was in front of me before I even swung my hand at him. I kept attacking and he just stood still blocking my attacks without lifting a finger or batting an eyelash.

My anger grew when I noticed a smug grin plastered to his face. I pulled out my kunai and started slashing at the sand. I stabbed through his barrier or defense and kept fighting through it as best as I could. My efforts were futile.

 "Hinata why is it that you love Sasuke?" The ginger asked as he finally attacked using his sand again not moving a muscle.

 "W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered cursing myself. I hadn't stuttered in years. "I don't love Sasuke and he doesn't love me."

 "I highly doubt that. From the looks of last night you two have had a mutual affection for each other and have merely found that the other feels the same. It was a revelation of love so to speak."

 I stared at him mortified that he saw the kiss from the night before. "It was nothing. He was heavily medicated and groggy. He probably doesn't remember." I stated turning my face away, but when I did he was there. My lavender eyes were forced to stare deeply into his sea green ones.

 "If he didn't remember why was it that he asked to see you, but I said "No." figuring you wanted your distance from his so you could sort out your thoughts." Gaara countered as he slowly moved away from me. "Tomorrow he will be healed enough to go back on the hunt for the man that tried to hurt his fragile angel. I ask you train so that the next time he doesn't need recover from his injuries."

 I bowed my head in guilt and nodded. "Yes, Ka—, yes Gaara. Will you train with me?" I asked looking back up at the Kazekage.

 "Of course."

 The rest of the morning and most of the afternoon was spent vigorously training and going through situations. Gaara gave me plenty of helpful tips if I ever found myself in a sticky situation. When night fell we split paths, Gaara going to his room and me to the room he provided specifically for me.

 When I reached my room there stood the man that was the source of the ginger's and I's conversation that morning. "Sasuke?" I asked as I stepped in and closed the door behind me.

He looked up from my file report about the rogue ninja and his army. "Oh, hello Hinata. Sorry to intrude I just wanted to look over this again and compare it what we've just learned." He stated going back to reading.

 I nodded and left him alone. I got my bed ready and went to the bathroom to change into my clean clothes after taking a much needed shower. When I came out the raven haired man still sat in the middle of the floor with papers scattered everywhere. I walked the distance and sat next to him. This only made his eyebrows furrow into deep creases.

 "Can you not sit next to me? I'm sorry to sound rude but your presence distracts me." He said not looking up at me.

 I nodded and got up. "I'll just go to bed. Shut the light off when you're done." He nodded as his furrowed brow went away the farther I got from him. I sighed and went to sleep.

It was around midnight when I heard the slight shuffle of feet and gathering of papers. I figured it was Sasuke finally going to bed and so didn't bother opening my eyes. The shuffle of feet went towards the door and stopped. I wondered why he was hesitating but understood when the sound of his feet quickly made their way towards me. Soft lips pressed against mine and I let out a small gasp.

 "Goodnight Hinata. I will see you in the morning. Have sweet dreams." He whispered before laying his lips on my temple and walking out of the room.

 I laid awake in my bed for a good half hour realizing that what Gaara said was true. Sasuke does remember the kiss last night and it wasn't just the medicine talking; it was real.

I finally fell asleep after the nerves went away and left me feeling exhausted. When I woke up again I was kissed by Sasuke and stared into his dark onyx eyes. "What don't you like my kisses?" He teased chuckling a little when I only made a small squeak.

 When the captain left I got up and got dressed readying myself for the battle of my life. I pulled my hair back and wore my usual loose fitting outfit that allowed for easy movement. I strapped my weapons around my waist in my pouch and met the guys at the village's gate.

"Ready?" Sasuke asked. We all nodded. No one was smiling or joking around. We knew the dangers that awaited us out there. I just wished that I had known what was really going to happen so that I could have prevented it in some way.

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