Chapter 7: The Spring

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            The next day, Sasuke was sure to his word to show up. He quizzed me over the various disappearing victims asking what kind of significance they could have. "The attacks are random and have no meaning what so ever besides maybe taking out anyone who would get in his way of capturing the Kazekage." I said coolly walking around my room grabbing things I'd need for the mission. Meanwhile, Sasuke laid on my bed lazily flipping through the folder continuously asking random questions.

When he finished I zipped closed my backpack and laid down next to him on the bed. "Are you ready?" Sasuke asked staring up at my blank ceiling.

A moment of silence passed between us as I considered how I was feeling about my first Anbu mission. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Anyways, I had you as my teacher." I said giving him a coy look.

 Sasuke sneered and gave himself a good pat on the back. "Yeah I am a good teacher aren't I?" He asked rhetorically.

"Haha." I faked as I finished packing my bag. I went through the list of things I had and double checked that I had everything and that anything I did bring wasn't unnecessary. The man on my bed nodded not saying whether or not it was okay. I decided I was good and grabbed my weapons, along with anything for healing, and slung the small bag on my hip while my larger backpack looped around each shoulder. "I'm ready." I finally said.

 My lavender eyes looked at my trainer standing from the bed. He gave me a once over with his onyx eyes and was on his way out the door without a word. 'Great he's mad at me for something, just what I need for my first mission with him.' I thought as I walked only a few meters behind him.

"Why don't you walk beside me?" Sasuke asked stopping in his tracks. I nearly ran into him when he stopped so abruptly.

I side stepped and started walking beside him but didn't wait for him to start walking again. I walked ahead for a bit but the dark haired male easily caught up with his long strides which lessened and slowed as he matched my pace. "Why do you want me to walk next to you?" I asked trying to act indifferent but was actually intrigued to know the answer.

He walked next to me for a minute then stopped. I stopped as well and saw a saddened expression on his face. This look of pain squeezed my heart making my chest tighten and ache. "For someone who has been alone their whole life I have come to loath and enjoy company." He replied slowly his eyes looking past me at the sky. "When you walk behind me your company is still present, however, you are not here. When you walk beside me your company is present and it is easier for me to feel at ease knowing you're by my side." He stated his eyes finally looking back into mine.

An overwhelming force overcame me. This man was so strong and yet so gentle and it took me till now to realize it. When he trained me he was very strong and seemed like an unbeatable force, yet, whenever I fell weak from exhaustion and wounds he always cared for me. His black eyes were blank, but told a story no one has ever heard. "Okay," I answered after a while of silence, "I'll be sure to walk beside you from now on."

Sasuke nodded and we made our way to the front gates meeting our other Anbu teammates there. We were the last to show up except for Naruto of course. He was never on time. "Where the heck is that stupid dweeb?" Sasuke hissed out as his patience was growing thin. Suddenly over the hill came an orange glob running towards us shouting for us to wait. Everyone rolled their eyes and turned and started to walk out of the village. Naruto caught up within time, however.

"Why didn't you guys wait?" He asked through heavy breaths.

"If you're going to be late we aren't going to waste our time waiting for someone who isn't even that important to the team." Sasuke lashed the words out of his mouth quickly visually hurting the blonde with them.

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