Chapter 14: The End is only the Beginning

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When we arrived back at Suna Gaara immediately left our side to go and check on his sister. Kiba, Shino, Naruto, and I followed behind him also concerned for the Kazekage's sister.

We all gathered in the room to see Shikamaru at her bed side grasping her hand firmly as monitors made softs beeping noises to inform us that she was alive.

"How is she?" Gaara asked sitting on the opposite side of the bed from Shikamaru.

"She's okay." He answered. "She just needs lots of rest."

The four of us not close to Temari gave our respects and left the three of them alone. After awhile Gaara joined us and we all went to Sasuke to report that we made it back safely. Also, to deliver the news of Asura.

Sasuke was discharged from the Suna hospital but was put on strict bed-rest for the rest of the week. When we arrived at the complex that all of us Leaf ninjas were staying we found him in his room staring at a book page but he didn't move or even give the slightest hint that he was even reading but actually only staring at the words.

"Sasuke?" I asked as I stepped ahead of the men and knelt down in front of him.

Once his eyes locked on mine I was pulled into a hug.

"Thank goodness your okay." He mumbled into my hair, his voice muffled. He broke the embrace and stared at the men behind me. "Where's Shika—"

"He's perfectly fine; he's just taking care of Temari right now." Gaara answered giving no sign of emotion.

"So you got Temari back? That must mean..." Sasuke let the words slowly fade as he looked around and saw our solemn expressions. "You didn't kill him did you?"

We all shook our heads. "What happened? I want to hear everything." He demanded.

I started telling him what happened on the mission scene by scene starting way back from when we arrived in the village. When I finished telling my story, with other pieces thrown in by the others, Sasuke remained silent, his eyebrows creasing in the middle as he thought. Is he concerned? Angry? I thought to myself as I stared at him.

"When I get healed we should leave." He finally said breaking the silence.

"What?!" Naruto, Kiba, and I shouted at the same time.

"We did our mission. We retrieved the Kazekage's sister safely back to Suna." He answered.

"That doesn't mean we should just up and leave. There's a demon on the lose because of us. Shouldn't we stop it?" Kiba yelled his body shaking in anger.

"That's right!" Sasuke yelled back. "A demon! How do you expect us to kill a demon?!"

Everyone in the room was silent. No one had a clue.

"Exactly! If he raises a problem then we will deal with him. Until then we have completed are mission and are going home before any casualties arise." He stated firmly not leaving any room for argument from us three team members.

Gaara nodded as if understanding the Anbu Black Ops leader. "I'll be sure to have everything prepared for your leave in weeks time." With that said the Kazekage walked out the door with me following at his heels.

When we were out of the complex making our way to the Kazekage's house, just a short distance, I finally spoke. "You're just going to let us leave after what you just saw happen at the village? How do you know it wont happen again?" I asked.

Gaara turned on his heels so that he was facing me directly and glared down at me with his turquoise eyes. "Of course I'm going to let you leave. Especially after what I just saw." He spat. "That was a demon back there. A full-fledged demon. We have no way of killing it and right now to send any team, even the best, out to hunt him down is just a suicide mission waiting to happen." He stepped closer so he was hovering over me. "Sasuke is protecting you. Not only you though! He is protecting his team. I would do the same. And like he said, if Asura starts posing a threat we will take action." Gaara turned back around and walked into his house leaving me in the middle of the road stunned and guilty. He was right, Sasuke was only trying to avoid casualties and keep those he cared for safe.

I walked back to the room to find Sasuke alone. He looked up and gave me a weak smile as if he just got done arguing.

"Are you here to tell me I'm being stupid too?" He asked.

I shook my head and laid down next to him fitting my head into his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple. "I understand." I said letting him know that I wasn't angry about his choice but that I knew where it was coming from.

"At least you do. That's enough for me." He said back.

Soon I fell asleep. I don't remember the last time I had a nightmare that didn't involve my past, but I'd take those nightmares over this one any night.

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