Chapter V

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Chapter V


The week passed by as if clocks have been programmed to run faster. The girls spotted several carriages, very unlike the school ones, pass by their windows. They were ordered to come down to greet their guests, and it turned out their ‘guests’ were the maitres et maitresses, arriving from Paris to coach them.

Their first day of coaching started immediately after their lunch. Constance’s and another set of students were excused from most of their classes scheduled after their lunch to attend their court coaching.

They were under the guidance of Maitre et Maitresse Bordeaux, a middle-age couple who stayed at court for a short time because they learned it wasn’t for them, and instead devoted their lives to coach people entering court life. They were strict, yet what they teach is scarily accurate. Or so who they have taught say.

Bonjour Maitre et Maitresse Bordeaux. Welcome to L’Amour Academie.” The class said in chorus.

Bonjour, etudiants. Please call us Maitre Giles and Maitresse Noemi. Vous comprenez?Monsieur Giles said.

Monsieur Giles is wearing a full blown suit in navy blue and gold with a wig. Madame Noemi also wears a wig, but she is in a pale blue gown with an hourglass corset, making her waist appear very thin. Monsieur Gles looks like the sort of man who would take you by the knees if you cross his lines, yet his twinkling eyes betray his looks. Madame Noemi, on the other hand, looks very motherly and gentle, but will take no nonsense when it comes to coaching young hopefuls. Despite their age, they still possess defined physiques. Very much defined indeed, in Madame Noemi’s case.

Oui, Maitre Giles.”

“Very good. Let’s start with an introduction to court life. Noemi, if you please.” He stepped back to let the students divert their attention from him to his wife.

“Court life started as far back as kings and queens and castles.” Madame Noemi said, in her sweet yet firm voice. “If you compare their lifestyle from now, it is drastically different. Yet some traditions and customs are still being practiced. Some dances and songs from their time still exist and are still being performed until today. We are here to teach you those things, along with addition manners that need to be observed, and a few talents that you can show while at court. If this goes well for the ladies, once you grow up you have the chance to be a Queen’s maid- or lady-in-waiting. For the gents, you have the chance to be a member of the King’s lawyers, be knighted and be part of the King’s inner circle, or be an esteemed noble man.”

Murmurs broke at this. Girls were weighing their prospects of becoming a lady-in-waiting, to be directly associated with the Queen. Boys boasted about their strength and noble blood.

“Silence, please. Coaching starts as of now, and we will evaluate you personally, so as to see your strengths and your weaknesses, so we know what to teach you to help you during court life. Each person is different after all, and we aim to play to each of your strengths, make them work for you, and make improvements on your weaknesses.

“When we say your name, please come forward so we can talk privately. I will not disclose anything of what you told me to anybody. It’s our policy and we don’t tend to break policies.” Madame Noemi finished, and was handed a scroll containing the name of who they were coaching.

Philippe Abbey.” Madame Noemi said from behind the scroll. Philippe Abbey walked towards their coaches from behind. He was taken to a room, along with Monsieur et Madame Bordeaux.

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