Chapter III

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Chapter III


Constance woke up before anyone else. Since she was 6 she trained herself to wake up way before her parents to eat earlier, since doing so she can eat anything she wants, as long as it’s sensible and good enough for breakfast and made to last longer than a normal breakfast.

It has also been a month since her arrival at L’Amour, and so far she’s enjoying every minute of it. She has been excelling at her studies, most likely because she has already been taught majority of what they are studying during her private tutor days. As a reward, she was given a set of new jewellery to replace her old set, three sets of gowns and shoes.

“How come you get up earlier? The sun’s barely up and you’re already in your gown, complete with petticoat and makeup.” She was proved wrong though, as Marcelle was already putting her stockings on.

“I trained myself to wake up earlier. Let me help you with your corset.” Constance stood behind Marcelle and took the laces in her hands.

“Tell if you can’t breathe. I wouldn’t want you to die of breathe loss.” She unravelled the last few crosses of the lace from the eyelets, and began tightening them until Marcelle told her to stop. She finished the laces with a double knot and a ribbon.

“I’ve been a victim to boys who would unravel the laces without me knowing. I’d rather you have a hard time taking the knots off than let others see your bare back or the unattractive boning of your corset without you knowing.” Constance said.

Merci. Vous robe est magnifique. It compliments your eyes.” Marcelle said, checking herself in the mirror.

“I suppose the yellow brings light to my otherwise dark blue eyes, but it clashes horribly with my hair. Nonetheless, this is the only modest gown I have. Others have enormous hoop skirts and really tight corsets. It’s highly uncomfortable. Not a sensible choice for only a breakfast.”

“You’ll have to change though. Standard dress for classes.” Elise said, still in her bed but wide awake.

“Didn’t know that. I should have packed something in between modest and extremely gaudy.” Constance said sarcastically.

Oh la la! I didn’t know a daughter of a duc et duchesse would be required to pack such extravagant gowns with skirts as wide as a bed.” Marcelle said, pulling out one of the gowns Constance was instructed to pack. All the girls giggled at the design of the dress. As it didn’t have the boning required to make the skirt’s intended silhouette, the skirt was wide enough, obviously been in use for quite some time. It was in a dull colour of olive green in contrast with the salmon lace, made in satin with a conical waist designed to keep the wearer’s body straight and stiff.

“Put it down Marcelle! I was forced to pack that.” Constance said, brushing her curly blonde hair, forcing it to be straight.

“You are going to be the envy of the whole female population in this school if you show up with your hair, ma cherie.” A girl said from Constance’s left, also brushing her hair.

“Why? I don’t think my hair is special. It’s blonde, when it’d rather be brown. It’s long, where I’d rather cut it a few digits below my shoulder.”

“It’s neither the colour, nor the cut. It’s because it’s curly. Every girl with curly hair is envied around here. Not a majority is blessed with curly tresses and every girl who’s longing for curly hair has tried everything, but to no avail.”

“Oh. It runs in the family.” Constance said, laying down her brush and smoothing the skirt of her dress.

“I’m Laetitia Caroline Monet. Marquis et Marquise Monet.”

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