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Aaaaaaand she comes back with another story! But this time I'm really going to finish it. I've been drafting and writing chapters, double checking the grammar and spelling, organizing plotlines and sorting out loopholes in the story all summer, so I really hope this goes well. 

The story's setting is kinda cliche, since it's in an academy (like Hogwarts), but the story does not completely evolve around the academy. There are going to be changes in settings and there are going to be times when the academy is only going to be mentioned. But yeah, it starts in the academy, and we go from there.

The story's timeline is during the Rococo period (think Marie Antoinette, Palace of Versailles, big hoop gowns and tall extravagant wigs, loud colours, frills and every decoration on a single dress. The Rococo style of art is prides itself on its loud use of colour and extravagant techniques) onto the start of the Victorian era (this is going to be the epilogue). It's mainly in Dijon, France, but we move into Paris and possibly other countries

So when I said France, you probably thought there's going to be a bit of French in the dialogue. If you thought of that, then yes there is going to be French dialogue. Majority of course is in English but I threw in French sentences, phrases and words. We're in France after all. I am so sorry if the French is wrong, because I've been using Google Translate. I know Google Translate isn't a good source, but I'm not a fluent French speaker, let alone writer, so I had to use this thing even if it isn't pinpoint accurate (because I know for a fact this can't even get my native language straight). I really don't like butchering this beautiful language with Google Translate. So please please please to any reader who is fluent in French correct me if I'm wrong, and I will edit so that the dialogue is correct :)

Also, the apostrophes that are on top of e's in French words are not going to make an appearance because I don't know how to do it :(

This will in novel length by the way, if what I am currently thinking goes to plan. Ratings will change as the story and the characters progess. This story will contain adult themes as the story goes on (e.g. sex before/after marriage, prostitution, rape, adultery, incest, death, and the likes. Some of those will appear quite early, but it's not about the main ones, or atleast not directly). That means no girl is a Mary Sue or a damsel in distress and not every boy is a knight in shining armour. I really hope I can make and finish it, with harder studies and all.

Anyway, the story evolves around this school and its students. It's mostly the life of Constance (the main female) and her friends, and this boy called Albert (main male) and their life around the King's court. It's told through the third speaker, but will change point of views occasionally. Well it first be around the school, then the court life, then their marriage and adult lives then finally a bit about their children.

I've spent a lot of time with this one, unlike the others which are quite rushed, so I really hope this goes well. I hope you enjoy reading this whole story. Don't forget comment and vote!

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places are fictional and merely the product of the author's (very wild) imagination and/or used fictitiously. If any bear semblance to actual events, locales/places, or persons, may they be dead or alive is purely coincidental.

The author (aka me) holds exclusive rights to this work (I worked hard to think of this after all). Any unauthorized duplication, be it in paper (which I highly doubt) or in electric forms, is prohibited. But I'm not going to file lawsuits. Calm down I'm not that rich.

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