Chapter VI

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Chapter VI


They all proceeded to practice doing the dance the simplest way both their Maitre et Maitresses can teach them, yet they all finished with tired muscles and overused bones.

They ate their dinner faster than anyone in the Dining Hall, and rushed to their rooms to nurse their aching body.

“That one step had my composure on the edge! It was a miracle I could do it decently.” Elise said as she massaged her calf muscles.

“At least you yourself only had to suffer. Your partner was like a god in dancing. Don’t look at me like that I did too.” Laetitia said as Elise glowered at her. “My partner, however, I had extreme inconvenience dancing with! He is complete garbage! The simplest he cannot do! He may be good-looking, but I would never allow myself to be seen with a left-footed boy!”

“Monet explodes again.” Marcelle whispered to Constance. Laetitia seemed to hear this as she took deep breaths and composed herself and kept her temper at bay.

“Now that you said it, I remember your father and mine had an argument about the wine your father was served.” Constance said. “He was served white wine, and he looked at the waiter as though offended and began yelling at him for his stupidity. Your mother completely embarrassed at the scene your father caused. My mother told me that Monet men, however handsome, had an incredible temper.”

“Oh that day I’ve always kept in my mind. I was present, yet I never formally introduced myself to any girls my age. I vividly remember a girl though. Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a yellow frilly dress, clutching her mother’s skirt tearfully as my father created a mess over white wine.” Laetitia looked at Constance, and they all laughed until they remembered they were sore.

“How about you, Constance? Was Albert any good?” Elise asked.

“He danced liked he knew most steps off by heart, and learned quickly. Sometimes I had to catch up to him, but I had my moment of triumph as he tripped spectacularly once. I swear I never had anything to do with it.” Constance giggled at the thought. Her friends, sensing a good story, paused their massaging and looked at her expectantly. They were at the front, so not all had seen the incident. She enjoyed this sort of privacy, but cannot help but spill it out to her friends, so she sighed and told them.


“On your positions please! Boys, turn around. Girls, please stay still. The boys will do their part now.” Madame Tourgesse said as the students scuttled around to their positions. They were given a short break to drink and talk, and Constance and her friends took this time to practice steps they were having difficulty with.

Constance resumed her place at the far back with Albert. She stood still and raised her right hand so Albert can touch it palm to palm as part of the step they were doing. She felt ever uncomfortable at this, but it was necessary, so she settled.

“Please stop shuddering Constance. I apologize if I make you uncomfortable but-“

“Get on with it Albert. Madame Noemi is looking at us. Remember we are ‘leaders’ at the back, and we have to show them how to do it precisely.” Constance hissed at him.

He did the step exactly as they were told to do: walk around their partner while touching palm to palm and go back to their starting position (boy’s left hands at the waist and the right holding the girl’s left hand, the girl’s right hand at the shoulder and the left holding the boy’s). But halfway through turning around, he tripped. Half the boys at the back laughed, the girls jeering at their partners. He fell face first, and didn’t immediately stand up, which alarmed Constance.

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