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My Zaira Leigh, 

My steps were heavy towards the mausoleum today, wife. I was nearly crying when I reach your spot. I brought all kinds of white flowers for you today and arranged it beautifully because it signifies you. It was great to see you with the past generation already. My grandmother and grandfather surely will take care of you from above. I know they will see how a great woman you are in our lives. 

I was just sitting there in front and light up candles for you and praying. I was also reminding myself how much you love us and the sacrifices you've made. Maybe I didn't see it in these past years but I can feel how much you carried all the pain that I caused you. I know it is late for me to realize all those things but despite on all of that, you still want to stand up and be the woman in our lives. 

I know I can't repay them but I will assure you that I will do my best to raise our kids in the way you want. I love you, my wife. 

—X.M. Del Valle 

Beyond WordsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora