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  Dean went to work that day believing it would just be, as always, boring.

   He woke up to his beautiful wife and his two wonderful kids, showered, ate breakfast and kissed his family goodbye. It was how every day began.

    Dean then drove to work, it was his only time to himself. He turned up the radio and listened to his favorite music, Classical. What could he say? it soothed him. (a/n lmao u wish)

    When he arrived, he didn't expect his co-worker, Gabriel, to show him a whole website dedicated to him.

    He was surprised to say the least. Gabriel watched him closely before sauntering off, leaving Dean and the computer alone.

   Curiosity got the best of him and he searched throughout the blog. He saw photos of himself, words dedicated to him. Love poems for god's sake!

   He couldn't take it, he shut the computer. He vowed to himself that he would never open that tab again.

   Little did he know, he'd spend the next few months reading what this blogger had to say about him.

ok so this sucks but i was laughing at the idea of cas shipping himself with dean so like?? i had to but i suck @ writin so fml

anyways i stg this will get better idk how to write prologues so rip kinda not rlly i dont know yet so yes but this is sorta a prologue n gtg indents r ugly but oh well

btw Deans life is supposed to be perfect and apple pie so he never was introduced to rock n all that so oops he gotta classical (: ok now gtg

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