Gilgamesh shook his head lightly, "I apologize, Lady Guinevere, but I must decline because I do not want hurt you,"

          I am praised for my battle skills; I dare you to try and land a blow on me, she yelled it in her mind, As if I'd loose to some whimpy Prince. "I insist," she mumbled as she held the yellow lance tighter in her hand.

          Diarmuid walked over to her, careful not to alarm her in any way. He landed a hand on the lance and gave her another soft smile, "Milady, I am sure that the Prince is much too tired to duel at this moment. Maybe another time?"

          "Oh, if it is because he is tired, then I will wait for a while longer," she inched her hand away from Diarmuid's and kept an eye on him. She had grown a little bit more comfortable around him—even finding some sort of comfort in his company—but she was still a little careful with the male's movement. "Anyway, Prince Gilgamesh, why did you come all the way out here?"

          Gilgamesh, who was currently looking at them in disgust of their friendship, smirked, "I thought you would have never asked," he chuckled, "Since I am such a kind person to the subjects of even other kingdoms; I decided to help you both out. Now, get your belongings ready because we are off to Logres!"

          Arturia tilted her head and furrowed her brows, "Why?"

          He laughed at her comment and shook his head, "Why else, miss? To find your family."

          "Excuse me?" She brought a hand to her chest for she had been offended, "I am not a charity case, I can find my family on my own."

          "A charity case? I never said that you were. I am deciding to help you out of the kindness of my heart; not because I want to—"

          "Milady," Diarmuid did not want to hear an argument over something a little ridiculous, "May we speak in private?" He looked at her, eyes pleading a little bit.

          She took a deep breath, "Alright," she said as she turned around and headed for the door of the room; soon followed by Diarmuid. Upon closing the door, she looked over at him and blinked, "What is it?"

          "Arturia," he sighed, "the Prince may be a bit rough around the edges, but we kind of are in need of his funds. As much as I do not want to travel with him, we must. The Prince has gold coins, while we are lacking in money right now. If we go with him, we will be able to figure out, not only your past but your family too."

          "But I do not like him one bit," she whined as she turned towards the window.

          "As do I," he reasoned, "but I am sure you want to remember everything, yes?"

          Arturia turned back to face him, her eyes were wide and her lips were parted as she tried to find something to say in return, "W—How do you know?"

          "I read what you wrote down... I had noticed that something was off, but I never commented because I figured it was a delicate subject for you..."

          She furrowed her brows in sudden anger, "And you could not tell me that you knew?" It was a breach of privacy in her eyes.

          Diarmuid was taken aback by her enraged response, "I...I did not want to alarm you. It is not as if I want a poker through my heart right now."

          She scoffed, loudly, "Not as if, hah; so what now? You know everything about me and you want me to go on a month journey with someone that could be willing to hurt me if the right amount of gold coins came around?"

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