Entering The Maze

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The next day I am woken by Minho, he lightly prods me. I groan and tell him to go away, he then softly strokes my cheek. I freeze 'what is he doing?', I hear him muttering something under his breath and then he slaps me in the cheek, I swear loudly. I stand up and push him, he nearly lands ontop of someone, when we get out into the open he puts his arms around my waist and kicks my legs, then he holds me upside down and carries me. I laugh loudly, Thomas is already sitting down and eating when he see's us he lets out a chuckle. Finally Minho puts me back down and I grab my breakfast and sit down. It is still early and the doors aren't open yet. The sky is purple and orange and the sun starts to slowly ascend, no one is up except me, Minho, Thomas, Newt (who I had just seen go inside the Homestead) and another boy who was sat alone. He had his blonde hair push away from his face, blue eyes and he looked like he had a permanent scowl of his face. He had been staring at me until I looked over, he blushed making his neck go red as well and looked back down at his food.
"Who's he?" I whisper to Thomas and Minho
"That's Gally, he's a bossy, childish, nasty shank-" said Minho
"-that hates pretty much here, including me," added Thomas
I nod and carry on eating my breakfast. After we're done Minho leads us to some sort of basement. It is piled with weapons, equipment, clothes and other useful junk. Minho gives us a backpack each, we load it with two sandwiches, a water bottle and an apple, then he asks me for my shoe size,
"Shoe size?" I exclaim "I don't know,"
I take off my shoe's and look at the number in the bottom.
"Okay," Minho says while fishing out a pair of running shoes.
He takes out some black ones that have blue streaks on them,
"Good enough?"
I put them on, they feel soft and weightless
"Perfect," I reply
"Great," he points to a darker corner of the room "go choose a couple of weapons, make sure their sharp,"
I nod and walk over to the weapon corner. It has many hooks with lots of daggers, swords and spears dangling from them. I pick up and small but very sharp dagger and strap it to my belt, then I take a sword with a long, slim blade and attach it to my back pack. The boys gather some weapons too then we go back upstairs. Newt is already by one of the doors waiting for us, he gives us a grim smile and nods,
"Get ready guys and girl, these bad boys are about to open," he says
He then gives my a very serious look,
"Be careful out there okay?" He whispers to me softly
"Don't worry I will," I say positively smiling
Then a loud churning sound begins and the doors begin to open.

Newt's POV
The doors begin to open. I look at Amelia's warming green eyes, and hope for the best. She tightens her ponytail, which is various shades of blonde and takes a deep breath. The doors allow more sunlight to stream into the glade, its shines on Minho, Thomas and Amelia. The light makes Amelia's slightly tanned skin glisten, I sigh 'she looks even more beautiful in the sun' then I shake my head. 'She can't possibly like me back, anyway I bet she's in love with Minho as they spend a lot of time shucking together. '
"Let's go!" Shouts Minho as he runs into the maze not waiting for a response
Amelia runs right after him, Thomas hesitates a bit but sprints after them.
"Good luck!" I shout
There I stand letting my secret crush pretty much dance in fire.

Minho's POV
We run as fast as we can. I am suprised at how fast the two newbies are, then run beside me. I look to see their expressions, Thomas is sprinting as fast as he can, his head wildly turning to capture his surroundings. Amelia, on the other side, is looking straight ahead, a frown on her face, looking as if she was trying to sort some kind of puzzle in her brain. Finally we reach the blades, they glint in the sunlight making their razor sharp edges seem almost harmless. We stop for a quick break, Thomas gulps down some of his water while Amelia takes a generous bite of her red apple, I eat half of my sandwich and sip some of my water, then we start to run again. This time Thomas runs slightly infront as I tell him directions from behind. Suddenly he stops dead in his tracks. We hear a beeping sound coming from behind me, Amelia rushes to my backpack and yanks out a long cylinder covered in slime, she looks at me puzzled.
"Its from the dead griever I found," I explain
She nods and takes a step towards Thomas, the noise quickens. We all stare at each other. Thomas grabs the griever part and runs around the blades until he finds a spot where the sound is unbelievably quick, we look up to see an entrance of some sort. We walk in and look around, there is one path going straight down leading to a wall with a keypad next to it, on either sides of the path there are two wide cliffs. We walk down to the bottom, I fiddle with the keypad but I does nothing. As Thomas steps forward with the griever part, the wall begins to rise up revealing to other walls behind it that also go up. Right at the end is a circular entrance, that is shut. Thomas walks up to it,
"I don't like this," whispers Amelia quietly
Her voices echos off the wall and she follows Thomas anyway.
"Amen to that," I reply and follow them
Suddenly the circular, metal entrance begins to open. We peer inside but can only see darkness, then a red line of light swipes downs as if scanning us. We hear some mechanical clicks and a horn starts to blow, it repeats itself like an alarm. Like an alarm.
"Run!" I shout "quick!"

Amelia's POV
We manage to make it just before the three walls collapse down with a thud. We run all the way out of the unknown room, more like a cave, and back into the blades. The blades make a churning noise and start to close in a straight line trying to trap us. We sprint and Minho manages to go past the blades just as they close, next is Thomas who yells and bumps into Minho and he runs in between the blades. The boys shout at me to go through so I do, the blades skim my arm leaving a very small cut. We get to section 7 and stop. The ground starts to tremble and pieces of rock from the wall are thrown everywhere, suddenly humongous metal walls start to collapse. We run for our lives. Literally. Two metal walls fall down with a loud BANG! and a giant cloud of dust and dirt, one of them falls behind us and the other in front leaving us trapped in between. I quickly look around and spot a shrinking gap, I scream at the boys to follow me as I haul myself up and crawl through it, Minho follows with Thomas behind him. We jump back to the ground with a thud and fall to our knees panting. I take out my bottle and drink half of my water down and eat on of my sandwiches. Our breath slowly starts to fall back down to its normal rate and we head back to the glade. No one speaks as we run, clearly terrified of the near death experience we just had a couple of minutes ago. Once we reach the glade each of us collapses on the grass absolutely exhausted. People gather round to hear the news of a possible exit. Teresa, the only other girl hands me a cold towel and a glass of fresh water. I smile and thank her, then wipe all the dirt and sweat off my face. I stand up to see a muscular, dark-skinned teenage boy, around 18 years old approach us. Everyone cheers,
"He's back!"
"Look at him! He's all well again!"
Then I realise Alby is the limpless body that Thomas rescued. I speak to him and he thanks me for helping Thomas and him back in the maze, he also congratulates me on my position as a runner. Then I go and take a shower in mine and Teresa's new bedroom, which has its very own bathroom and changing room as we're the only girls. Then I change into some clean clothes and go outside. A wave of relief washes over me as I look at the closed doors...

The Maze Runner: Beating heart (Newt Fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora