I silent myself and focus on the outside noise... I heard something. Perhaps the stall of a car. It's far, but I think it's coming this way. I get up, follow the wall until I feel a door. This must be the entrance to my hell. This must be the entrance to his death.

Oh how silly of me to think killing anyone was bad. It's quite simple, you do me wrong, you can suffer the consequences.

I'm no longer little and weak. My body structure has nothing to do with my capability.

The car engine sounds louder now. It's closer, and I'm ready. After a few more seconds, the noise comes to a stop.

Oh mr. Kidnapper. He has no clue that I am out.

I balance myself, and position the form in my left hand. No need to injure myself ever more. I hear footsteps, coming up the front porch... I slow my breathing.

Concentrate... Concentrate....

Don't pounce to early, be patient.

The door begins to become unlocked, all the mechanisms in the handle turning, slowly.

He must know, he hears the music.

No matter, it's too late for him now.

The door behind to swing, and until it's fully open, I stay put.

Finally, now! I reach out my left hand and strike, but a hand grasps my wrist, tight, squeezing. I keep pushing, unwilling to give up, but a foot hits my ankle and I drop to the floor, losing my balance and hitting my head. The fork drops from my grasp.

I yelp, as suddenly I'm conscious of all my injuries. Random spikes of pains striking randomly in different places. My right hand, as I try to stop my fall, suddenly screams for attention. My feet, writhing across the floor, trying to get out of his grasp, sting as the shard of glass embeds deeper into my skin. My muscles, tired from shock torture, once again begin to ache, as I use all of my remaining strength to get this man off of me, but I can't move.

Its then that I get a truly good look at him. His dark hair, almost red looking but It is mostly brown. He has some stubble on his jaw line, and a slim nose that enhances his sharp features. It makes me hate him more.

Suddenly, two unforgiving hands reach around my neck, pushing in my trachea, making it impossible to breath. And at first, I fight it, trying hard to gasp for air, or wiggle out of his grasp, but after a while, I play dead.

Suddenly closing my eyes and releasing the last of my breath to make it sound as though I have been deemed unconscious, however, I am fully aware. And as soon as those menacing hands release me, I lightly suck in a breath, unbeknown to my kidnapper.

And as he begins to stand up, I raise my left foot, and kick, aiming for his groin. Hard. And I make valuable contact.

Releasing a breath of relief as I hear him scream in pain, and drop to the floor.

I scramble to get up, grab my fork, and I pounce, somewhere, I don't know where. It's too dark to see but it worked. He screamed louder in agony, and I burst through the door, running as fast as I can.

I ignore the burning of my muscles, the screaming of my injuries, I'm still gasping for breath, but I'm running. Gaining distance from my kidnapper. I don't know where I'm going, but it looks like some sort of farm. Dirty, all broken apart, and I run. I run to the opening of trees and brush, and I hope for my life that that opening leads me to a road.

I hurt so much, all I can do is close my eyes and concentrate all of my efforts on just getting the hell out.

I'm gaining distance, I'm not looking, but I can tell I'm going fast, covering ground. Only a little farther... I'm close.

Suddenly, I hit something. Hard. And I fall backwards, unable to do anything but moan and bring my hands up to my face to protect myself. If this is the kidnapper. This is it, I have no more energy left to fight. This is where I die.

I open my eyes, dreading to see the inevitable, but I almost cry of joy when I see Ty's arms reaching out for me.

"Iz! Iz! It's just me, you're ok!" He reaches down and grabs my arms. Slowly being me to my feet, noticing my winces as my body protests.

"Jesus, Iz! I thought I was gonna lose you." He pulls me into a deep hug, and I'm grateful that the embrace is tight enough to keep me up. I don't have any energy to balance on my own.

He doesn't let me go, and we sit there for a minute, I'm still unable to catch my breath, and for a few seconds, and only a few seconds, I allow myself to forget about everything that just happened, and I let go.

I bury my face into his shirt, and I sob through the pain, I cry because I'm hurting, I cry because I thought I was gonna die, I cry because I thought I was never going to see my brother again. And I cry because I thought I wouldn't ever see Ty again.

I open my eyes, gather my thoughts, and between my wheezing, I am barely able to talk:

"Kidnapper... Still... Alive..."

"Shhh... Your ok now, I have you, we are gonna get out of here." He stops embracing me, and squeezes my arms, forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"I just have to do something first." His eyes scan me, all of the blood, and at first, all I could see was pure worry, but that turned into anger within a split second.

"That bastard's gonna pay." He sits me down, wresting me next to a tree, allowing me something to lean on.

"I'll be right back. I love you." And with that, he turns the other way, heading toward the cabin.

And then, I hear a loud shot. And within a second, I see Ty drop. The only thing I can manage to do is scream before I black out as I feel a bullet tear through my arm reaching out for Ty.

But I don't scream from the pain. I scream because Ty was shot in the stomach. And it looks like a lethal shot.

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