Chapter 21 : Stars

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"I knew this would look good on you." Lara said when she saw me wearing a simple white and red dress. Even I thought it looked good.

"Thanks." I said.

"How are you going?" She askedwhile flipping through the pages of cosmo.

"I really don't know." I started brushing my hair. I wanted it to be perfect and that was making me nervous.

I told her that I was going to Harry's sister birthday. I had to. I couldn't lie about it. Lara advised me to be myself because she knew that I was someone mothers usually like.

There was a knock on the door and we already knew how it was.

"Hey." Harry said.

"Hi."I responded.

"You look beautiful." Harry's voice came. I wasn't prepared to take a compliment like that from him.

"um.. thanks" I blushed a little. I could sense Lara blushing.

"You ready? Can we go?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said and walked out from my room. 

"Good luck. Have fun." Lara said and shut the door.

I sighed and followed Harry to his car down. 

Inside I noticed that the gift was wrapped in a white paper. 

"It looks so pretty." I said as he ignited the engine.

"I don't know. It looks silly." He chuckled. "That's the reason I'm taking you. If she doesn't like it, I'll blame it on you."

I fake a gasp. "Oh My Gosh. You're evil, Mr. Harry Styles."

"But you like it." He winked.

"And here I thought I was special." I shook my head and smiled.

"Totally wrong."

I turned my head towards the window to the darkness. He turn on the radio and the song made me smile.

'I can't feel my face when I'm with you... But I love it'

"I love this song!" I exclaimed.

"Same. I love it. You know he has a show here this Sunday."

"Yeah." Ofcourse I knew about it. Many people were attending it but unfortunately my financial conditions can't let me go.

I sang along and hoped a little that Harry would join me but he didn't. I could sense that he was nervous to go there. 

"I'm taking you with me because I'm scared." I turned my head towards him. He was looking at the road " I haven't seen them in a long time." He said.

"I'm here with you, Harry." He pressed the brake and I realized that we were there. I was  looking at him and his innocent face. This was the first time I was seeing him like that. 

I leaned in and kissed him and without even wasting a second he kissed me back, relief flooded in me. It was a short kiss but it showed that I cared. I kissed his forehead one last time before unbuckling my seat belts.

We get out from the car and walked towards the house.

Harry rangs the bell and held the gift in his hand. The door opened revealing a woman and I knew instantly that she was her mother. The resemblance was uncanny.


"Mum." They hugged and the grip was tight.

"Mum, this is Taylor." He introduced me.

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