Chapter 15 : Bowling

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I looked in the mirror one last time, my look was simple, a skinny jeans and a white shirt. I gazed at my phone again, still no reply from anyone. When I got home I received a text message from Lara saying that she was going for shopping with Natalie. I wasn't feeling good about going out with Harry without informing anyone about it but I texted them and got no reply at all.

I wore my grey vans and headed outside the dorm with my phone. My pace was fast because I was already too late. Does Harry like girls who are always on time?

I was practically jumping down the stairs and was already tired by the time I was out from the building. And then I saw him, Harry.

He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans. I stopped as I saw him, taking in his good looks for a few seconds. How does this guy manage to look so good all the time?

After a few seconds, realization hit me and I started walking towards him. He was smiling at me while checking me out. That was the most uncomfortable moment for me.

"Ready for today?" He asked, leaning on his car.


I sat inside his infamous black range rover and we headed towards wherever he was taking me.

"You seem excited?" I said after noticing that he had an unending smile on his face.

He looks at me, led out a chuckle and shook his head.

"I really don't know why I'm so excited about it."

I smiled with him and looked out of the window. The weather wasn't good and it seemed as if it was going to rain. I better be home before the rain comes.

He turned on the music and immediately Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody played. I turned towards him after recognizing the song and he hurriedly changed it.

"That was Bohemian Rhapsody!" I exclaimed in excited. It was one of my favorite songs and the fact that Harry had this song made me so happy.

"No. I mean. I don't know where it came from." He said looking straight at the road. His grip on the steering wheel tightens and he cleared his throat.

"Oh. I love that song."

"Okay." He said, showing no emotions at all and that made me embarrassed so I chose to change the topic.

The song changed to Selena's Same Old Love and I listened to the melody, it lightened the mood and I hope his sudden arrogance changed as well. I was too scared to say anything, because my brain couldn't come up with something sensible most of the times. I needed to think before saying anything.

The ride was quite, when suddenly I heard Harry humming the song which kind of shocked me but I didn't say anything knowing that he wouldn't like talking about it. Surprisingly, his voice wasn't that bad, I remembered last night when we both were singing and that was the first time I realized that he could sing.

I checked my phone again to see if I got any other messages or calls from anyone but I didn't. Sadly, I put my phone in my jeans' pocket.

"We're here." He exclaimed. Thank fully his mood was better now.

I smiled and got out from the car and followed him.

The place was Bloomsbury Bowling Alley, the interior of the place was very alluring and the excitement suddenly came over me.

"You seem excited." He said my words.

"yeah. I am. I haven't been in a bowling alley in a long time."

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