Chapter 3 : Makeover

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I woke up with birds chirping outside my window, I liked that time of the morning when no one was awake and I had the full time to myself. I could silently plan my whole day and do some work. 

Last night, we somehow managed to bring Natalie up to our dorms with great power of three girls. The struggle was tough.

Natalie was going to have such a tough time after waking up because of how drunk she was last night. I knew how annoyed Natalie is going to be about it. I was not ready for her to wake up.

A loud knock came from the door which woke both Lara and Natalie.

"AAHh" Natalie shouted. "My head hurts so bad."

Lara was rubbing her eyes when I stood up and opened the door. Perrie was standing there with pure excitement on her face.

"What's up with you?" I asked in confusion and she jumped inside the room.

"WAKE UP! I want to tell you people something!" She shouted.

"Lower your voice, B*tch!" Natalie shouted.

"Oh! Sorry."

"What do you want to tell?" Lara asked.


"What do you want to tell?" Lara whispered.

"Okay, so last night" She started whispering "I couldn't sleep. So I thought of watching T.V , but nothing good was coming like-"

"Get to the point!" Natalie scolded with her hands on her head.

"So, there was this movie, 'John Tucker Must Die'-"

"Oh my gosh,I love that movie!" Lara shrieked.

"Do you want me to kill you?" Natalie threw a pillow at her and Lara muttered a sorry.

"So, as I was saying, we have such a similar situation, don't you think?"



They all looked at me for a reply.

"Yeah, maybe."

The summary of the movie was, After discovering some girls are all dating the same guy John Tucker, three popular students from different cliques band together for revenge, so they enlist the help of a new gal, Kate. They conspire to break the jerk's heart, while destroying his reputation.

"Harry Styles is John Tucker." Perrie said.

"Okay, fine he is. It's not like we're going to team up and do something about it." I chuckled but nobody laughed with me. They all had an intense face like they liked that idea. 

"Guys, I'm joking." I clarified. I really wanted to know what was going on in their mind.

"No, seriously. I was joking." I said again.

"I know you were joking, Taylor. But that was exactly what I wanted to tell you guys too." Perrie said and everybody looked at each other.

"Yeah." Lara said.

"Wait, wait, wait. You guys have clearly gone mad. You do realize that it was a Hollywood movie with unrealistic approach towards a situation to which the only proper solution is to move on and forget it happened." I said. I really wanted them to stop thinking about it.

"Don't you think that you should be Kate?" Perrie asked.

"No." I answered.

"Oh common Taylor, you're a fresher. He's probably looking for someone new."

"It's not a bad idea, it's just that you don't fall in the category of what Harry Styles go for but I think we can change that?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. I felt insulted.

"I mean, like a make-over or something and some new clothes as well."

"How about No?" I went away from them and started picking up my blanket from the floor. It was a stupid idea and why was I the only one to realize that?

"Please Taylor, you are our hope. Don't you feel bad for us?" Perrie begged.


"I just.. don't know how to do it." I whispered.

"We'll teach you everything." Perrie said.

"I'm telling you guys, it's not a good idea. There is a lot of planning and plotting that goes into it. It's not simple. They don't show that in the movie." I said.

"We know and we are a bunch of really clever girls. I think we can pull it off." Natalie suggested.

"You guys dated Harry Styles so let's not talk about being clev-" 

"Stop Taylor. You see, we need you. You are sensible and we know you can pull it off. Just think about it, you are not doing it just for us, you are doing it for every other girl whose college life Harry will ruin. Trust me, he's like a god and when he's around it's like some magnet is attracting you towards him. And then there's his scent.." Natalie said

"Oh that vanila scene.." Perrie continued.

"With a hint of mint." They said in uni-sync.

"You realize that you aren't over him, right?" I said.

"We're talking about Harry Styles. you don't get to see that beauty so often. But yeah, it is important to teach him a lesson. Please Taylor. Please." Lara said.

"Okay." I whispered and all the girls cheered.

"Lower the voices. My head still hurts." Natalie scolded.

I don't know what I'd gotten myself into because I was not a kind of person to do such acts and take revenge.The fact that I felt so bad for these girls made me agree to this pathetic plan. Maybe I could do this? Maybe I could make The Harry Styles to like me? Maybe?

"I'll call Kendil. She does great makeovers." Lara said before reaching out for her phone.


"You look so great!" Lara shrieked after seeing me. Me after the makeover.

Kendil is such a nice person. She did so many things on my face and even cut my hair. I was actually thinking of getting a haircut. The main thing was that she applied makeup on me, something which I rarely do.

"Take a look." Kendil said, pointing towards the mirror.

I went in front of one and was astonished to see myself. My curls were replaced with short straight hair with side bangs. The makeup made me look so different, but a good different. My eyes look brighter and beautiful. I never thought that I would look this good, ever. It was mind blowing that I could change like that. Also, I liked the red lipstick on me.

"You look gorgeous." Perrie complimented.


"My hair is short." I mumbled.

"And short hair is sexy." Lara continued.

"Short hair isn't much problem during sex." Natalie continued and we all rolled our eyes.

I knew I was the only virgin on the table so I just smiled not knowing how to react to that. 

"Thank you so much Kendil for this." I really appreciated that she did this for free and the work was phenomenon. 

"Oh, it's nothing really. I would love it if you'll take revenge from Harry Styles. It is the least I could do." 



I can't wait to post the next chapter ! *Haylorfeels*

Thank you so much for the support in the last chapter. You guys are so great!



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