Chapter 1

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   Morning shines through the cracked glass windows. Kim Sun-Woo gets off of her bed and starts her normal routine. She starts out preparing breakfast for her mother and father. She would admit that she is not a good cook herself, but she is still force to do so for good-for-nothing parents.

    Next she gets ready for school by first brushing her teeth. Her teeth are things that she is most proud of and is favorite part of her body. She never got braces, but it is still perfectly straight and white. Sun-Woo thought that it was the only thing that is attractive about herself. She have never thought of herself as 'pretty', little did she know that she was actually very beautiful to most people.

     Afterwards, Sun-woo threw on some her step-mothers old hand-me-downs. Since her step-mother is a selfish bitch, the hand-me-downs are old clothes from the 1970's that old asian grandmothers would wear. But now it came to a point wear she doesn't care what someone thinks or say about her anymore, because she is just glad that there are clothes on her back.

When she was done getting ready for school, she walked to her bus stop and wite for the bus to arrive.

On the bus, she made sure that no one sat next to her. She was privilaged to have a quiet bus so she can read her books on the way to school. Despite her circumstantiances, she loves reading fairytales from Hans Christan Anderson and the Brother Grimm. However she peticularly like stories with a tragic ending.

Sun-Woo's most favorite fairytale is The Mermaid by Hans Christan Anderson. It is about a mermaid that would give up her life as a mermaid princess for the human prince despite the fact that she has to give up her tongue. At the end the prince marrys another princess and the girls has decide to either to kill the prince to become a mermaid again or die and turn into seafoam. However she decide to die because she loves the prince too much to kill him.

School was her only oasis from her misrable, cursed life she's living in.

    Even though she doesn't have any friends, she loves going to school because she has always loved the concept of learning new things about the world.

    She barely talks to anyone. But eventhough she is very beautiful, no one dares to talk to her because of her cold exterior. She only puts up this front in school, because she dosen't want anyone to know that she is hurting inside everyday.

"Good morning class. Please open your textbooks to page 140 ,and read the page silently," Mr. Dawson annouced to the class, like he always does everyday.

     She finished it before anyone else did, as usual. The class went on as it always did, it started with him going over the page that they just read. Next, one of the brainless cheerleaders shamelessly flirt with him. Today he announces that the class that they will  start to read Romeo and Juilet.

    He began to explain the backround of Romeo and Juilet; starting with how Romeo was from the house of Montague and Juilet being from the house of Capulet. And the reason why their love was so forbidden, thus the creation of the term "star-crossed lovers".

     Next, with the backround of Shakespeare and how iconic he was back then, and still now. The class ended with Mr.Dawson assigning everyone their parts in the play.

"Okay everyone, I will now be announcing who will play the parts of each character," Mr. Dawson said.

First, he announced that the most adored guy in her grade, Carson Williams, was going to play Romeo. Which then, made a commotion in the classroom with girls begging and trying to convince Mr. Dawson to make them Juliet.

Mr. Dawson finally shouted, " Everyone quiet down, I have made my decisions of who should be playing the parts. Juilet will be played by Sun-Woo".

Everyone suddenly started to say things like " Why her?" "She's pretty, but I don't even know if she talks" "I never even heard her talk before" and "I should have been Juilet."

     While everyone was making a racuous, Sun-Woo was completely oblivious of what just occured. She was too busy getting zoned out in her book. Mr. Dawson continued, " Everyone quiet down and let me finish talking." He finished telling everyone what their roles are, just in time for the bell to ring, indicating that the class is over.

    Suddenly Mr. Dawson called Sun- Woo over before she walked out the door.

"Can you come over here for a second?" Mr. Dawson asked.

"Sure", Sun-Woo replied

"I don't want to sound nosey or anything. But why does it feel like you get a new bruise, either on your face or your arms everyday? Is there something wrong?" He asked

"No, It's just because that my older brother and I always play hockey with each other every afternoon." She replied.

      She had actually lied. Her older brother died 5 years ago, when she was in 7th grade. Her and Her brother were very close; she cried herself to sleep every night for a year after her brother's death. Her parents couldn't care less about his death. All they cared about was the insurence money. They were happy that now they can feed their cocaine addiction for the next 3 years.

"Okay then, I believe you", Mr. Dawson said in a very caucious manner.

She walked out of the door, glad that the conversation was over, and went to her next class.

   Another school day ended, and she was walking home as usual. Then suddenly, she saw a tall teenage boy ,about her age but maybe older, all ragged and dirty in the bushes. She was quickly deciding what she should do. Either help the boy, or run away. She then decided to listen to her heart and choose to help the boy.

She walked up to him and asked " What happened? Are you all right?" Then he walked out of the bushes and showed his face.

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