Chapter 12.

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Rowans pov.
I roll over and I fall on the ground with a thud. I groan and hold my head and I get up off the ground. I fell asleep on the sofa last night with random drink bottles and food everywhere. "What the hell happened last night.." I whisper to myself and I walk with effort to the kitchen. Corey was in there cooking scrambled eggs and he says "Good your up, I was starting to worry that me, Sabrina and peyton would eat all the eggs without you." I nod and I ask "what happened last night?" He then served the eggs and he says "Oh well you and Sabrina got drunk and you two started having a massive make out session while me and Peyton talked in our room." My eyes widen "We got drunk?! How the hell did we when we never drank any alcohol!" He rubs the back of his neck "Ahh you know when we played truth or dare and we gave you drink bottles to drink? Well that was filled with it." I slap him but not too hard "What the frick man?!" I don't like swearing so I always say frick. "S-sorry it was for abit of fun, hey you wanna tell Peyton and Sabrina there eggs are ready? They are in his room." I nod and I walk towards the stairs and go up it. The door was closed so I open it and I saw Sabrina up against a wall while Peyton and his arms either side of her head and he was making out wth her. "WHAT THE HELL" I scream and they pull away fast. Sabrina says "It's not what it looks like!" She says and I yell "Well it looks like Peyton and my girl friend are making out?! I thought you loved me but I guess not!" I say holding my tears in and I storm out the room and out of Peytons house, picking up my things on the way. Luckily I didn't change into my pjs so I'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I burst into tears and I call a taxi to take me home.
Sabrina's pov.
(Flash backkkkk)
"Peyton what happened last night?" I ask holding my head. Peyton chuckles "Ahh yeah.. Sorry about that I kinda got you drunk when you drank that liquid in the drink bottle" he responds and I yell "What the fuck Peyton!" I say but he moves closer to me and I shut my mouth. He moves even closer to me and my face heats up since he's so close. He keeps going closer and I move back until my body his his wall and he puts his hands either side of my head and he starts kissing me.
(Normal time)
"Peyton why the hell did you kiss me?!" I yell and he says "S-sorry.. I like you.." I then growl "So what?! Ever thought about mine and Rowans feelings?' He looks down guilty but I don't care. "Dude! Rowan is going to hate me now and it's all your fault!" I say and I storm out of his room and grab my things about to leave and Corey says "You kidding me?! I made eggs and everyone leaves!" I sigh and I say "I'll have my eggs to Go." I mean who can turn down free food? I grab my eggs which was in a container "thanks" I say to Corey then I leave. I need to get my girl back. I think the whole way going home.

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