Chapter 3.

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Sabrina's pov.
We turn on Rowans tv which she has in her room lucky thing. "what movie you want to watch Sab?" Rowan asks me and I shrug "Anything, I like every movie." Rowan then puts in Frozen and I chuckle at how childish rowan can be. "what, I like frozen" she smiles wide and I giggle "Yeah I can tell, it's fine let's watch it." Rowan then says "Wait! It's not a movie without food!! I'll be right back stay there" I hear her rush downstairs and then I sit on her bed. I get a text from someone and I read it.

Bradley xoxo: Look Sabrina, I'm sorry I was being a jerk at dinner, I was in a. Weird mood, please forgive me? Xx

I think for a moment then rowan comes in with a bowl of popcorn, chocolate and fizz. "who you texting" she asks placing the food and drinks in front of us. "Just Bradley" I respond and her expression turns abit sad. "Ahh you ok row?" I ask and she nods "Yep I'm perfectly fine" she smiles but I know it's fake. "Well ok..." I say and then she asks "What does he want?" I then respond "Nothing, he's just apologising." She nods and sits next to me. I then text him

Sabrina- it's ok I forgive you xox
I then turn off my phone and we start watching the movie. Rowan eating lots of chocolate and I say "You must like chocolate". She then says "No, I love chocolate!" I giggle and we continue watching. Riley then starts singing "LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOOOOORRRRRRR" when the song comes on and I laugh. She then says "Did" I then say "You" she then says "Know" I say "We" she says "Always" I say "Finishes" she say "Eachothers" I then say loud "Sandwiches!"  She then giggles and says "That's what I was going to say!" We then laugh and we lay back on the headboard. We continue watching the movie and about half way I feel a weight on my shoulder. I look to my right and Rowans head was resting on it and she was asleep. I smile softly and I grab the remote next to me and I turn off the movie. I then lay her into the bed carefully not to wake her up. Luckily we were already in our pjs so I didn't have to wake her up to get her changed. I then hop in with her since we were going to share the bed since there is no spare bed plus were both girls so who cares. I soon fall asleep.
I start being shaken awake and I rub my eyes and groan "What is it now mother" I then hear a laugh and she says "It's rowan, and it's our first day of recording for girl meets world so let's have a early start!" I then sit up and I look at the clock and it was 7am. "Ok, let's get dressed" Rowan then looks at me "Together?" I shrug "Were both girls, who cares, it's not like we haven't seen it before" Rowan blushes and nods and goes over to her dresser and grabs our clothes. "Ahh Rowan, I don't have any clothes remember, since I came straight here from the restaurant last night." Rowan then goes through her clothes and says "Here have these." She hands me clothing and i say "Thanks row" she smiles "Welcome." We got changed, having glances at eachother from time to time and each time blushing. When we were finally dressed we went downstairs and her mother had cooked us pancakes. "Thanks Mrs Blanchard" she smiles at me "Please call me Elizabeth." I chuckle "That's my mothers name too." She smiles "Well it's a cool name." We then start eating our pancakes and when we were done Rowan says "Can we go now? I can't wait to start girl meets world!" Her mom nods and we run outside and jump in the car and seconds later her mother jumps in the car and we start driving there.
"and we are done!" The directors says as we finish. "Sweet, when is the first episode previewed?" I ask and they say "When the whole season is recored, plus I want you and Rowan to sing the themesong" our jaws dropped "Really?" They smile at us "Really. Now learn the song and we will make you record it tomorrow." Wow they give us no time to practice, but I guess we need to recored a whole season quick and you can even show episode 1 without a themesong. "thank you" we both say and they nod and walk away. Peyton then walks over to us and says "Hey, you guys are great actors" me and Rowan says at the same time "Thanks." We look at eachother and giggle. "Comeon Sabrina, we better learn the song." I nod and we go to the changing rooms to her out of our Riley and Maya outfits and while we change we start learning the song. Because that's what everyone do when they are changing, sing.
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All I need is you. (Rowbrina)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat