Chapter 11

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Quinn POV

I gape for a split second. Axel, Carver, Luka, Jonah (the guy that insulted me when we first met) and another familiar looking guy all stand on my doorstep, holding a barely conscious Gabe. They all have a few bruises and bloody lips but look otherwise unarmed.

'You gonna let us in babe or just stare?' Axel's taunting voice comes. I shake my head quickly to clear it and step back. I shut the door behind them and Axel heads to the kitchen. When I get there Axel turns to me.

'Do you have a first aid kit?' I nod wordlessly and hurry to a cabinet, pulling it out. I approach Gabe who has been laid out on my kitchen table. I run my eye over him, his eye is swelling, his lip is bloody, more so than the others and there is a lump on the side of his head. Then I notice the growing patch of blood on his shirt, I ignore the others, now isn't the time for questions. I tug hard on Gabe's shirt and rip it off, there is a wound on his side that has blood flowing from it.

'Someone get me alcohol from the cupboard next to the fridge.' Someone must do as i say because seconds later, a bottle of vodka is placed in my hands. I take a quick swig, liquid courage or something before pouring a lot on Gabe's side, thankful he is now unconscious. The blood and vodka mix and there seems to be lots of it before it finally clears and I can see the wound. It is a few cm's long and not too deep but will need stitches. I wipe it with an antiseptic wipe and grab a needle, ripping open the packet. A few seconds later I bend over the wound and begin to stitch. It only takes me a few minutes to close the wound, I pour some more alcohol over it and then stick a big bandage over it. I pack everything away and still no one has spoken. Once I have washed my hands I turn to the others who are all staring either at me or Gabe.

'Living room, now.' I growl.

'What happened?' I ask and no one speaks.

'Axel? Please, you bring a bleeding friend to my door and ask for my help, I at least deserve an explanation.' He stares at me and I watch as his eyes soften and he nods.

'Thank you, for helping him.'

'Always.' I reply and Axel nods.

'We have a big rivalry with another gang, we are both fighting for control and we often get into fights. When you told us about the guy you saw, we realised they knew about you and that meant you were vulnerable and they could try and use you to get to us, having you would mean they would win. We went to try and find some of them, send back a message to their leader and we did more damage than they did but before they left, one of the guys stabbed Gabe, hence the wound.' It is silent for a moment.

'Why would they win?' Axel tenses slightly and look away as he says the next words,

'Because if they had you, there is nothing we, I, would not do to get you back safely and that includes forfeiting everything this gang has.' No one speaks but it doesn't even matter because Axel finally lifts his eyes to mine. His eyes hold nothing but truth and I feel something stir within me at his words.

'Am I in danger?'

'Yes, possibly, but listen to me babe. They will never hurt you, I would kill them all. Okay? They will never hurt you, none of us would let that happen.' I look around at everyone, they all hold my gaze, and i can read the looks. All of them would defend me, would protect me, even Jonah and the guy I don't know.

'Thank you.' I whisper.

'How'd you know how to stitch like that?' Jonah asks and I look up at him.

'When I got particularly badly bullied once, my brother went after them. It was him against three of them and he still won, they never bothered me again but one of them did stab him in the process. i fixed him up, apparently I was a natural.' Axel has gritted his teeth and the others all look mildly angry but also interested. A groan suddenly sounds in the room and we hurry into the kitchen to find Gabe slowly opening his eyes, I grip his hand and his hand tightens on mine as he turns his face to mine.

'Hey, how you feeling?' I ask and he groans.

'Like I got fucking stabbed, I'm going to kill that bastard.' I chuckle slightly, and help him sit up. For someone that was just unconscious he seems fine and doesn't sway too much when he stands up.

'You can stay here tonight, we need to take turns staying up to make sure Gabe doesn't go back to sleep.' Axel nods.

'It's probably a good idea we are here tonight anyway.' We help Gabe onto the sofa in the living room and I grab a blanket but Gabe just shoots me the evil eye.

'I'm not going to have a blanket, I'm not an old lady.'

'No, you're a guy who got stabbed and got stitched up by me. So you're going to do as i say unless you would like me to rip out your stitches.' He eyes me up, obviously testing how serious I am. I hardens my gaze and he rolls his eyes.

'Fine, whatever.' He grumbles and the others all chuckle under their breaths. I yawn and Axel nudges me.

'Go to sleep, one of us can take first watch.' I look at everyone and they all nod, truthfully I am really tired. I barely make it to the armchair before I curl up and fall straight to sleep


So, what do people think of Axel and Quinn? Ship them or no? And ohhhh who beat up Gabe? Drama drama.

Anyways, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it, one more chapter for now and then maybe another two in a few hours. Okay? Good. Love you, thank you. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE (was that enough?) COMMENT, VOTE AND RECOMMEND. AND MOST OFF, KEEP READING.

Okay, now that that is settled. Enjoy the next chapter. :* xxxxx

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