Chapter 5

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Quinn POV
At the end of the day I am walking to the parking lot alone, my last lesson of the day I was by myself.
We are by the car, we'll give you a lift home. xx I look down at the text I received from Axel, thank go he offered me that lift. I didn't want to awkwardly ask him after he gave the lift this morning. I don't bother to reply because I have just walked out the door. A group of boys, albeit slightly nerdy looking boys, are standing on the steps and one of them suddenly moves backwards into me, laughing at something his friends had said. He bumps into me and I momentarily lose my footing but then straighten up just as he turns.
'Sorry about-' He stops when he sees me and I realise all of his friends have gone quiet.
'Oh my god, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. Are you hurt?' I smile softly.
'I'm alright, don't worry.' He swallows nervously and his gaze drifts behind me. I am standing below him on the steps and nearly turn around to see what he's looking at but then he clears his throat.
'I'm really sorry.' I shrug.
'I said, it's fine.' He nods and moves closer to his friends who all look down at the ground. I frown but roll my eyes as I turn and continue on my path to the boys. When I reach them, Axel straightens up from where he is lent against the car.
'You okay? I saw some tool bump into you.'
'Yeah, it was just an accident.' I say and he nods.
'Let's go.'

Freddie POV
I am talking to my friends and laugh at something one of them says, I take a step backwards and bump into somebody. I spin around to face the person who is now stood on the step below me.
'Sorry about-' I suddenly recognise her as the girl who hangs around with Axel and his gang, shit. My friends stop laughing once they too recognise her. I can feel a heavy gaze on me but don't look up.
'Oh my god, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. Are you hurt?' Please God say she is fine. She smiles slightly at me.
'I'm alright, don't worry.' I finally let my gaze drift and find Axel leaning against his car, his angry eyes fixed on me. A challenge in them. He looks pissed and his body is tense, as if about to come over here. His friends are also glaring at me and I have to look away. I clear my throat and look back at her.
'I'm really sorry.' She shrugs.
'I said it's fine.' She speaks more forcefully this time, flicking her hair over her shoulder. I move away from her and towards my friends. I feel her walk away and all my friends mutter under their breath.
'You fucking idiot.' My best friend curses at me and I shrug.
'It was an accident.' We all know that Axel is fiercely protective and loyal to his friends, and his gang are the same. Knocking into one of his friends, particularly this new girl, is a sure fire way to get your ass kicked. I look back in Axel's direction and watch as he stands up straight, his lips moving as he says something. There is a pause and then he nods, his mouth forming more words as she moves to get in the car. He moves to walk around to the drivers side but his gaze slides to me, a warning in them and I can read it, even across a crowded parking lot. He is warning me not to bump into her again, warning me away and I'm happy to listen to that warning. His friends all glance in my direction but soon get in the car and it's not until the car leaves that I release my breath.

Quinn POV
We are in the car on the way home when my phone rings. I glance down at it and curse when I see Drew's name. It's just one thing after the next. I slide my finger across the screen to answer the call, gratefully flashing a smile at Axel when he turns the radio down.
'Hey.' I greet and frown when I hear deep breathing over the phone.
'Hello? Drew? You having an asthma attack or something?' I ask sarcastically and notice Axel's grip on the steering wheel tighten, okay then.
'This ain't Drew honey.' I recognise the familiar drawl and my grip tightens on the phone.
'Why the fuck do you have his phone?'
'I caught him off guard, he's currently in the corner of my room unconscious. I have about a minute before there are a hundred guards in here.'
'You bastard.' I swear, my voice low and he chuckles.
'You're the bastards daughter then.'
'Fuck you. What do you want?'
'To talk to my daughter, what's wrong with that?'
'Do I even need to answer that question?' My voice is icy and i'm aware the car is silent but I barely pay any attention. I suddenly hear a groan over the phone.
'Drew!' I shout and hear him swear before there are the sounds of grunts and yells. I bite my lip.
'Come on dammit.' I mutter under my breath and finally I hear a voice.
'I'm so sorry Quinn.'
'Oh thank god.' I sigh in relief at Drew's voice.
'Where is he?'
'On the floor, unconscious.' Drew mutters darkly.
'Do me a favour and kick him in the balls would you?' I say, only half joking.
'Will do hun. I've gotta go and report this, and sort out my bleeding head.' He says the last bit quietly but I hear him.
'You're fucking head is bleeding? I'm gonna kill him.' I swear and Drew chuckles.
'Me and you both. I'll call later with an update.'
'Okay. Oh and I'm really sorry.'
'It's not your fault.' Drew says softly and I shake my head though he can't see me.
'He knocked you out just so he could mess with me and call me. I think that constitutes it being my fault.'
'No, he knocked me out because he hates me and because I didn't give him food yesterday. The fact is messes with you is just a bonus.'
'Yeah, whatever you say.' My tone suggests I know that he is lying but we both let it slide.
'I'm gonna go, bye.' He says and I say bye back before hanging up and shoving my phone into my bag. There is a silence in the car and it is incredibly awkward.
'What just happened?' Gabe asks, his voice half curious, half tense.
'Nothing, it's just a... family problem.'
'That's one hell of a family problem.'
'Please, just let it go. I'm not ready, not yet.' Gabe says nothing but I turn around in the seat.
'Please.' He nods, barely, but it's still consent and I'll take it.
The rest of the ride home is silent and barely anyone speaks as I get out. I say a hurried goodbye and head inside. I don't get a text from Axel that night.

I will upload a lot more tomorrow because there is a lot written but I am really tired now so hope you have enjoyed it thus far.
Thank you, please read, vote and comment.
Love ya'll. xxxxx

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