Chapter 3

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Quinn POV
'What?' I whisper and his eyes are filled with sympathy and curiosity.
'We aren't stupid. You're not scared of us, but it's not because you're brave or stupid. It's because you've been truly afraid of someone or something before and we don't match up. You've been at 7 schools in the past 2 years, that's not normal, and you say your parents don't care? You were just on the phone with someone and it sounded like you were talking about a jail sentence. What happened?' I blink and look down before lifting my head and giving him the coolest look I can muster.
'That information is for friends only, and we aren't friends.'
'We could be.' He says innocently and I'm taken aback.
'Most people at school are now terrified of you with the exception of that ginger you were with earlier but you don't really see her as a friend. Hang with us, you're the only one who didn't run away from us in fear and judge us on sight, it makes you different. You have guts and if you wanna hang with us you've got to have them. Give us a shot.' I look at them all in turn. For some reason, I feel like the next thing I say is very important, like it could change everything. Yet I want to say yes, I want to know these guys, they aren't that bad and after 2 years of pushing people away because they are so damn cheerful and nosy, it's nice to just be able to snap at people to back off without worrying about them taking offence.
'You're thinking too much, it ain't a marriage proposal, it's a chance to be friends.' Axel says, his voice carefully emotionless
'Don't be an ass.' I snap, at the exact same time as Gabe. We look at each other before laughing. I reach up to my necklace, they are actually dog tags. My brother's name is written on one and the words 'Forever and Always' are on the other one. He has an identical necklace with my name instead. We were close, we were best friends and we got the dog tags 1 month before it all happened. I haven't taken them off since. I remember he said that I should make risky decisions, that I should live my life the way I want. So it's not hard to say the next words.
'I'm in.'

As soon as I say that Gabe breaks out in a smile.
'Alright.' We spend the next hour or so just chatting and I get a feel for their personalities. Axel is the leader, obviously, and is cocky, can be an ass and is harsh to anyone he isn't friends with, and a good fighter apparently. Gabe is the most easy going and always telling jokes. Luka is a full on player, different girl every night but according to the others, he is loyal to a fault, this makes him blush. Carver doesn't say much, or smile much, but he seems nice and when I say something that makes a small smirk play on his face or that causes him to say something, I catch the others smiling at him and listening to what he has to say.
'I should really get home.' I finally say when I glance at my phone and find it's 7pm.
'You need a ride?' Carver asks and I watch as the others all snap their heads towards him, surprise on their faces.
'No, I'm okay thanks, my car is outside.' He nods and smiles ever so slightly. We all grab our things and I lock up.
'Well, see you tomorrow.' I say and they all murmur their agreement.
'Where's you car?' Axel asks and I point to my car which is in the far corner of the parking lot, where all staff park.
'I'll walk you. Catch up with you in a minute guys.' They all nod and take off down the road while we head over to my car.
'They like you.' He suddenly says and I look up in surprise.
'Even Carver, and he doesn't like anyone apart from us. That he even spoke to you is shocking.'
'Must be my charming personality.' I say softly and he smirks.
'Must be.' We reach my car and I lean against the drivers door.
'You're different.' He says with a slight frown on his face and I look up at him confused.
'Come again?'
'From this morning. You were so harsh and bitchy this morning, and now you are nicer, calmer, not as tough.' I don't take offence to what he is saying.
'I've been at 7 schools, you learn quickly that unless you want to be bullied beyond belief, that you need to be tough and show that you aren't to be messed with. You do that on the first day and you don't get bothered, I never had any friends because I knew I would have to move but I won't have to this time so it's okay to have friends. I just didn't know whether I knew how to be nice any more but...' I trail off, not wanting to sound pathetic and Axel raises an eyebrow.
'But what?' I look down at the ground as I mumble the next bit.
'I have you guys as friends now and I don't want to be a bitch to you, I don't have to worry about being bullied, I hope.' I feel a hand under my chin forcing my face up and I look up at Axel.
'You're not going to get bullied babe, look at you. The boys and I are you friends now.' I smile slightly. I act like nothing gets to me but deep down, I'm the same as everyone else. I get hurt as well and the easiest way to not get your feelings hurt is to pretend you don't have any, but I don't want to be like this with my actual friends.
'Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow.'
'You want a lift?' He asks and I smile slightly.
'Yeah, I'll text you my address.' I hand him my phone, silently asking for his number and he taps away for a second before he hands it back.
'Bye.' I say, moving to open the car door. Axel holds it while I get in.
'Bye babe.' Is the last thing he says before pushing it shut.

It's later that night that I remember I'm supposed to text Axel my address. I scroll through my limited contacts and laugh out loud when I see his contact name. I click on <3 Hot stuff and send him my address.
Hot stuff? Really? My address is 24 Greenwood Road. xx
It is only after I click send that I register that I stuck two kisses on the end, damn it. The reply is almost instantaneous.
Don't try and deny it babe, I am hot stuff. I'll be at your house at 8 tomorrow. xx
Okay, thank you. Night. (Pass that along to the others if you are still with them) xx
I will and night babe xx
I am exhausted so collapse into my bed and allow myself to fall asleep, still thinking about Axel.

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