Chapter 7

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Quinn POV

It is getting late when Axel's phone rings, he glances down at it and hurriedly pulls it out.

'Talk to me.' He speaks into the phone. His face is impassive and I can't tell what he is thinking but not a minute later he hangs up with the words.

'We're on our way.' All the others look up and there seems to be some secret conversation because they all smile awkwardly.

'Sorry, we have to go. We had a really good night.' Gabe says and I nod.

'Yeah me too, is everything okay.' He blinks and swallows before replying.

'Yep, we've got to go. See you tomorrow.' Within seconds they have all left apart and I'm left reeling. What just happened?

It's the last lesson of the day when everything goes wrong. It's the lesson i have alone but unfortunately the pizza delivery linebacker is in my class and happens to sit beside me.

'You shouldn't hang with them.' I blink in surprise. We haven't talked at all this lesson but he suddenly comes right out and says it.

'Excuse me?' I am confused.

'Axel, his friends, you shouldn't hang with them.'

'And why's that?' i say, starting to get pissed off.

'They're dangerous and I know you're new and don't know the depth of their control but getting involved is dangerous and you don't seem like your cut out for the kind of life they live.'

'What are you talking about?' I'm thoroughly confused, is he high? Suddenly he blinks.

'Wait, you don't know?' I grit my teeth.

'Know what.' His eyes widen.

'Oh shit.'

'Know what asshole?'

'No one has told you?'

'Told me what?' I hiss, trying to stay calm.

'Axel is the leader of a gang.' I blink once, twice.

'What?' I question and he shrugs.

'Axel, he's a leader of a big gang. There is a rival gang but if they combined they would run this entire town, probably half of Western California actually. The other gang is huge but based here.' My head is spinning.

'Wait, Axel is a gang leader?' My head is spinning. How did I not know about this? But then things start to make sense. Why people were so terrified of him. His hasty departure last night. Holy shit.

'I thought you knew.'

'I didn't.' I bite out and he holds up his hands but thankfully the bell rings. Axel, i'm gonna kill you.

I burst through the doors, immediately spotting Axel leaning against his car. I storm down the steps and people move out of my way. Whether because I look furious or something else I'm not sure.

'Axel.' I shout and he looks up but takes one look at my face and walks towards me.

'Were you ever going to tell me that you were in a gang?' I yell and everyone is staring, well this is awkward.

'Who told you?' He asks, ignoring my question. I do the same.

'So it's true.' His jaw ticks but he says nothing, his eyes just sear into me.

'You know I don't even care that much about you being in a gang. But not telling me? Me having to hear it from someone else? That's what hurts most.' He closes his eyes briefly.

'Screw this, you obviously don't trust me and thats fine.' I spin around and walk away, and you know what makes my heart hurt? The fact he doesn't even call after me.

I flash a smile at Scarlett who dropped me off.

'Thank you.' I say and she nods.

'I'm sorry you had to find out that way, i just presumed you knew otherwise I would have told you straight away.' I shrug.

'It's not your fault.' I get out without waiting for her to reply and head inside. An hour later when the doorbell rings I groan but go to answer it.

'What are you doing here?' I ask Axel and his... gang...

'Please, just let me explain. If you still want us to leave, we will.' A part of me wants to slam the door in their faces but when I see the slight pleading in Axel's gaze I nod and move aside. I sit down on a chair in the living room and they all sit opposite me.

'Okay, hear us out.' I nod and Axel leans forwards.

'We didn't tell you because we didn't want to freak you out and scare you away. As soon as people find out we are in a gang they judge us and run the other way and we didn't want that. You're our friend and we want it to stay that way. I'm sorry that you found out from someone else, really, but we were just worried that you'd run and never look back. You can't blame us for not wanting that.'

'Look, I don't care that your in a gang. I know that you would never hurt me, I don't know how but I just know that. It just hurt knowing that you didn't trust me.' I look down and hear footsteps approach before someone crouches in front of me. A hand comes out and grabs onto my chin and when a spark flies through me at the contact I know it is Axel.

'I trust you babe.' There is something in the way he says it that tells me that there is a deeper meaning to his words. I smile softly at him and his eyes soften as he stares at me. Someone clears their throat and Axel pulls away, going back to his seat.

'You should know, there are no girls even associated with the gang, we don't let them in but you're different. I'm not saying your a part of the gang but you are the one and only girl to have links with the Lost Boys gang.' Axel explains and I nod.

'Now it's my turn.' I say slowly and they all look at me in surprise.

'It's only fair I'm honest with you.'

'Don't tell us because you feel you have to.' Carver says, his voice even and I glance at him.

'I'm not. I'm telling you because I trust you. All of you.'


Hey guys, sorry these last few chapters have been shorter than the others I think. I hope you are enjoying it. Don't forget to vote and comment and everything. Love ya'll, especially Lolagamergirllol. 

Enjoy! :*

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