Author's Note

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I want to thank you for clicking my story and giving it a chance! It really means a lot to me. Before you proceed, I just want to give a quick reminder to all of you.

Please be aware that all, I mean all characters from this story is only a work of fiction, a figment of my imagination and are not real. The images, videos and other things I'm going to post are not mine. This story, however, is completely mine. If you haven't noticed, this book is under ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Do not steal the plot or any event in this story, so in conclusion: do not steal my work. And, politely asking, if you do not like this story, please do keep your negative comments to yourself. It would do no one any good. So spare me from your harsh words and keep it all to yourself. That's all I ask. Enjoy reading! 

And don't forget to comment and vote! I do love to hear the thoughts of my readers (Not the cynical ones of course), also don't be afraid to comment on my mistakes so I would be aware of it.

Once again, I wholeheartedly thank you!

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