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I abruptly turned around as I heard low, dangerous growl come from my behind. I looked at the creature with wide, alarmed eyes but soon turned to one of awe and admiration.

"A Canis lupus," I breathed.

There, a few feet in front of me, stood a huge gray wolf, tall and proud. It didn't seem to be angered by my presence as his eyes were of a calm bright yellow color.

Canis lupus. The scientific name for a wolf. At some point in my life, I had a weird fascination in animals. I learned so much things about those creatures that lurk in the forest.

I approached the wolf cautiously. It could attack me in any minute but based from it's stance, I don't think it's ready for battle. As I got a clearer look of the Canis lupus, I could tell it's a 'he' based from how it carries itself. It was with pride and authority. I think this one is the leader of a pack. I wonder where the others are. I know I should be running for my life by now but there was this force that was pulling me into it. And it isn't exactly my fault that I'm so fascinated by it. Growing up to love animals, that couldn't be helped.

The wolf watched me with intense, prying eyes which was continuously darting to every muscle in my body that moves. It wasn't showing it's sharp teeth in a snarl, it was, In fact, closed to a thin line. It doesn't see me as a threat.

After a few moments, it started to slowly make it's way towards me and as it did so, I noticed how large this wolf was. It stopped in front of me, peering down so he could see me. It was taller than me on it's four paws!

I took a step back, surprised by how big it was.

Suddenly, I lowered it's head to just under my chin. It nudged my neck gently, it's cold nose sniffing me.

I giggled softly as it did so. I was extremely ticklish. I raised up my hand and stroked the fur behind his head gently, running my fingers through the soft and silky patch of fur on it's back.

He purred as I kept on stroking his fur.

"You're so beautiful and huge," I whispered. "I haven't seen anything like it."

He made a noise, agreeing with me.

I chuckled,"You almost seem like you're a person."

The wolf began to lower it's body to a laying position on its front towards the floor. I sat beside it and continued petting him. I don't know why, but I just seem to be comfortable with this creature.

Suddenly, I remembered what I was doing here in the first place. It's getting dark already and the sun is almost setting. I gasped, oh no. I immediately bolted up from my sitting position.

The Canis lupus looked up at me, as if questioning where I was going. It began to stand too as it noticed my panicked expression.

"I-I have to go," I said quickly, turning around and walking back to the dark of the woods.

The wolf whimpered, almost as if telling me not to go.

I looked at it one last time before disappearing to the depths of the forest.

Canis LupusWhere stories live. Discover now