Chapter 1 ~ The Canis Lupus

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I don't own the pictures, I simply found it in the web. Please be informed that all images or photos I will post does not belong to me. Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know that. On with the story!


Chapter 1

I slammed my hand into the steering wheel over and over again as if that would make the engine roar to life, the jewelries in my wrist clanking as they swayed against each other.

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered, resting my forehead to the wheel hopelessly. "The one time that I travel long distances, my car decides to break down. In the middle of nowhere." Great. Just freaking fantastic.

After a minute or so, I finally realized that nothing is going to happen if I just seat in my car and stare off into space. I grabbed my phone, looking for signal. Nope, no signal here. I got out of my car, holding up my phone into the air, trying to get reception.

I muttered profanities under my breath as I kicked the hood of my car, already agitated. I'm stuck here. And who knows when I will be able to leave here. If I even get to. Will my grandparents even notice that I didn't arrive there? Maybe they'll think that I decided not to visit them anymore.

I debated whether to walk this road all the way until I reach some sort of civilization. I could tell it's going to be a long walk there. I don't even see the end of the road. The road looks endless from here. I decided that walking was not an option here.

I also just couldn't wait for a vehicle to pass by and give me a lift because by the looks of it, people don't just randomly pass by this road. It was deserted.

I looked around me and stopped when I saw the forest on both sides of the road. I don't see any form of life in this place. That thought gave me an unpleasant shiver.

But on the bright side, it's a good thing that I have things that I needed to survive inside my car. Foods, clothes, and water. I'm glad I'm going to my gran's house then. At least I'm prepared. But I still couldn't help but blame them. I know, I know, I'm a horrible granddaughter. But seriously, what if their house wasn't on the country side? Then maybe I wouldn't have gotten stranded. And even if I did, it could maybe be in a town or place with people I could get some help with.

I shook my head, clearing those thoughts away. After a few minutes, I found myself walking through the woods with my phone in my hand, still trying to get reception.

Wait, what on earth am I doing?! I'm just trying to get myself lost! And there's no way I'm going to get any signal here. But thanks to my stupidity, I only realized this now.

I must be so tired that I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Hours of driving could lead you to that.

I sighed and was about to turn around when I heard water running. Curiosity getting the best of me, I followed the noise. It was getting louder and louder as I kept on walking.

What could that possibly be?

The water was so loud. It couldn't be a river or that would've created a gentle noise of water running. What I was hearing was water splashing against water. From what I could hear, it was a big impact when the water clashed.

The trees were getting fewer and fewer as I neared the sound. Finally, I seemed to have reached it as I noticed a river. My jaw was dropped open as soon as I saw the scenery in front of me. It was breathtaking. There stood a huge waterfall, about a 55 meter point drop. The water was so clear that the sky was reflecting on it.

My eyes followed to where the running water led to but I couldn't see the other end. I walked over to the waterfall until I stood at the edge of it and just stared at it in awe.

Canis Lupusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें