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For my best friend christina. who has been through alot.

hey guys this is my first story on wattpad, i have other stories of quizzila so please please please go easy on me.

Clothing: Siege:   Adriana:

Songs: Beautiful by akon


Chapter 1

“Can you believe it!” Adriana came up from behind and hugged me. Her soft brown eyes where full of excitement. Adriana has been my best friend since the eighth grade; we knew almost everything about each other. This kind of included the whole mom leaving and dad getting remarried to a… well we will just leave it at that.

“Believe what?” I hugged her back lightly.

“It’s the last year of high school!”

“ugh don’t remind me…”

“Why not?”

“’cause I just want to graduate already and move out of the hell hole they make me call home.” I brushed dark brown strands out of my face and began to walk towards the school.

“Siege!” a new voice came up from behind me.

“What now?”

“Well hello to you too. I haven’t seen you all summer long and all I get is ‘what now’.”

“Alex oh my god! I’m so sorry.” I practically tackled him to the ground with a hug. Now Alex and I have known each other literally all of our lives we were raised together, born not far apart and this was the first summer we had spent away from each other because of his baseball camp. This guy has lived through hell with me.

“That’s more like it. I missed you Sai…”

“Um… hello? I’m still here.” Adriana butted into our little moment.

“Sorry,” Alex and I muttered together.

“Now that I have your attention and you’re not trying to tackle each other, I have some important new. Tonight all three of us are going to the biggest senior party of the year… hosted by mwah.”

“Sorry I’m not going the last time I went to your party I got grounded for a month.” Alex stated a matter a fact.

“That’s because you where so drunk you couldn’t even stand.” Adriana pulled her long blond hair out of her face.

“Well if Alex isn’t going then I’m not either.” I looked into Alex’s green eyes.

“Come on you guys, the host has to have her best friends there.”

We thought about it for a second as we walk inside the school. “Okay fine…” Alex said be for I could.

“Yes! This is going to be so much fun.” Our friend ran of giggling her head off.

“Well, that was weird…” I whispered.

“Too weird.” He ran a hand through his dirty blond hair. He gave me a once over before laughing hysterically.

“What’s your problem?”

“Since when do you wear dresses?”

“Since I decided to be more girly.” It was true I never wear dresses but suddenly I wanted to wear dresses. So, today I thought would be the perfect day to start, my dress was a soft silky blue that fell to the middle of my thigh.

“Huh… you look good.” His eye roamed over my body.

“Well if you’re done checking me out, we should probably head off to class. What period do you have first?”


“Me too, who do you have?”

“Mr. Roman.”

“Me too, let’s go before we have to get the crappy seats.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway. “The front.” We both stated together before entering the class room.

***Alex p.o.v***

God, Siege is really pretty now. It’s amazing how much you can change over the summer.

The dress was an interesting twist too. I guess that’s what I get for not being around all summer; I come home to a complete stranger.

“Alex, are you okay.” My best friend Nathan broke me out of my day dreaming. I had only one class with siege and it was already over. Guess I’ll have to wait till Adriana’s party to see her again.

“Yeah, sorry.”

“Guess baseball camp made you stupid.” Nathan and our other friends snickered.

“Shut up man.” I punched him in the side. He doubled over and began to laugh even harder than he already was.

“So are you going to the party tonight?”

“yeah.” I put my hand behind my head.

“I cannot wait to see Adriana she’s a total hottie. I would tap that.”

“Nathan that’s gross, she my friend.”

“No she’s the other hottie’s best friend siege.”

“Okay dude seriously shut the hell up,” I almost punch him in the face.

Nathan put his hands up in a surrendering type of way. “Okay man calm down.”

“Then don’t talk about her that way.”

“Alright I won’t but I’m leaving before you beat my face in.”

I smirked. He was right to leave; I would have beaten his face in if he talked about her like that again. That girl has been through hell and there was no way I would ever let her get hurt. Even if it means dying in the process.

Man, I was falling way to hard.


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