"Just like how you're supposed to make them." Roberto smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." Numra lied, just like she'd been doing for the last 9 years.

But what Numra was really doing, was crying for help.

A few hours later, Numra woke up and watched Christina go off to school in her school bus. Right after Christina would go off to school, Roberto would be heading off to work. Once Christina left, Roberto kissed Numra on her cheek and glanced around the house.

"I want the living room cleaned along with our room. I also want my shoes polished and all of my suits ironed." Roberto demanded. "We have a big day tomorrow with my bosses and I'd hate for this place to look anywhere close to out of order. Understand?"

"Yes." Numra smiled.

"Good girl. I'll see you later, baby." Roberto smiled, kissing her on the cheek. "I'll see you in the evening."

Numra had even listening to his every word for so long that she didn't even realize that what Roberto was doing to her was wrong. Being in his every command since the age of 17, she was used to this. She wasn't used to being treated like a woman of some sort. Since he was gone, she decided to get to work early so that she could relax for the rest of the day. Right when she pulled her mop bucket, her home phone rang. She let out a loud sigh of frustration and walked over to the home phone, answering it.

"Home of Roberto Crabrerra, how may I help you?" Numra answered.

"Numra?" Dr. August cheered over the other line.

"Chresanto?" Numra gasped in shock.

Dr. August was so amazed to hear her voice that it sent chills through his system again. He loved hearing that unamerican accent of hers that she always struggled to get rid of. Rolling her R's, of course. Numra could always do that to him. It felt like high school all over again. He felt like a little boy talking to the girl that he hasn't had the balls to speak to throughout the years.

"How are you?" Dr. August cooed over the other line.

"Chresanto, you can't call this phone like that!" Numra scowled. "I have to call you ba-"

"Wait wait wait!" Dr. August panted. "I uh......I just wanted to see if we could spend some time together? Just meet up as friends. No girlfriend and boyfriend type thing or whatever."

"I don't know if my husband would permit it." Numra sighed. "Sorry."

"Oh. Alright." Dr. August said in a bummed tone. "I guess I'll uh....talk to you later."

Numra paused. She had to think to herself. She hadn't been outside of the house for a while that she was second guessing herself.

"Wait. Chresanto....." Numra sighed.


"I guess I can uh......spend a day with you." Numra smiled. "Just until the evening, though."

"Okay!" Dr. August cheered in a geeked up tone. "We can do whatever you want. Your choice."

In fact, there was something that Numra wanted to do that she hadn't done since she was younger. Horseback riding.

When she got to a ranch that was outside of her city, Numra waited outside of the local ranch that was open for everyone. When Dr. August arrived, he got out of his car with a sharp outfit. He wore a black shirt with a small gold chain and some tan shorts and some black Nike shoes. He was dressed like the average 24 year old. Numra was dressed in her hot pink sundress and her tan sandals, which was the dress that she always wore. She walked up and gave him a big bear hug. The feeling was bitter sweet, especially for Dr. August. He looked at Numra, glancing and looking at her beautiful looks. It never failed to amaze him. He never stopped adoring her brown skin with her neat, yet frizzy hair. She moved her hair out of the way, smiling up at him.

Dr. August. [TMAD series.]Where stories live. Discover now