A Possible End to ThisThreat

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"So that bitch touched you?"

Asked Ryan after Justin and YN explained what had happened at the pool.

"Just to think of that person who is harassing us touched me.. Gives me the shivers."

Says YN. Justin then wraps his arm around YN'S waist.

"YN, is there any trace of this person?"

Asked Marie.

YN then looks at her clothes.

"I don't think so.."

Says YN trailing her voice off.

"Well, there is only one thing to do: We have to tell someone.."

"But who knows, this person could get back for revenge?"

Everyone nods.

Suddenly, the girls phones go off. And then they open their phones to see what notification they got on their phones.

"It's from anonymous."

Marie says.

"What does it say?"

Asks Matthew.

"It says: once you start playing my game, you never leave. See you around."

Says Carly.


Justin mumbles.

YN then grabs Justin's hand and heads to their room for the night. Everyone does the same too.


"Hmm?" Justin said.

YN Then wrapped her arms around Justin's waist.

"I was wondering if we could go and take a walk outside.. I want to show you something.."

Justin then turned around and took YN'S hands and replied, "Baby, it's a little too dark don't you think?"

YN then sighs and escapes from Justin's side.

"..but if you really want to.. I guess we could.."

Justin said once more.

YN then smirks and says, "perfect."

The two holds hands and walks outside.

"So, do you think we could go back inside?"

Justin asked.

"Jay, c'mon it won't be that bad."

Justin just nods then stops in his tracks.

"So what's the real reason you brought me here?"

Asked Justin.

YN sighs and puts her hand in her pocket and brings out a pocketknife.

Justin eyes gets wide.

"What are you doing with that?"

YN looks at what she has in her hand and says, "oops, wrong thing. I have that for emergencies.."

Then she puts the pocketknife back in her pocket and takes out a miniature flashlight and points at the ground.

"Cmon, we are going back to the warehouse.."

"Are you crazy, why?"

Justin asks.

"I think I saw something back there when we left.."

"What?" Justin asks suspiciously.

"I think there was somebody in that house when we were cause I saw a light go on when we left."

"We're not going back there, YN.."

"Yes we are. We can end this.."

"And then that person will come back, YN, please.."

YN just walks away towards the house.

Justin just sighs and follows behind her.

Once the two gets to the house, they go behind a bush and watch the house.

Suddenly a light goes on from inside the house.

"Quick, Jay, hand me your phone. I forgot mine.."

Justin hands her his phone.

YN then opens the camera and increases the zoom on the camera and the lighting was perfect enough to see the person who was walking onto the balcony.

"What the hell..?"

YN says.

"What?" Asks justin.

YN: I cannot believe it..

"What, what!"

YN gulps and says: IT'S DEMI.


Justin then takes his phone and looks at the photo that YN took.

"Maybe she's telling the person that's threatening you girls that she won't do this anymore.."

YN then squints and takes Justin's phone and again and turns the zoom on in the camera.

"Oh my god. It's Matthew next to demi."

Justin then takes his phone, "and you wouldn't believe what he is doing next.."


"He's kissing demi ."

Justin shows YN the picture of the two kissing and justin and YN stare at eachother.


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