The Truth

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Justin's eyes become wide.

Justin: what is he doing here? And who is that girl with him?

YN looks closely.

YN: I can't even believe it. It's .. DEMI.

Justin: they let her out of jail?

YN: that was a rumor. Guess it was true.

With Matthew and Demi:

Demi: Did you do what I say?

Matthew: I did. But someone else

was in the house. I have tried to protect the girls. I can't do this much longer. I really need justin to look after YN and Ryan to look after Marie.

Demi: well, you can't do this on your own..

Matthew sighs.

Demi : does Carly know your here?

Matthew shakes his head.

Demi : I think the people that are trying to threaten the girls either want revenge or something from them. Do you know what these people want from them?

Matthew shakes his head once more.

Matthew: I don't want the girls to get hurt.

Demi : I understand. I'll see you at the park tomorrow?

Matthew nods.

They both get up and Leave and head into different directions.

With YN and Justin:

YN: He's trying to protect us?

Justin: I guess so. But I am still going to protect you whether you like it or not.

YN nods in agreement.

Justin: C'mon, let's head back to our room for the night.

When the two were about to get up, YN suddenly stops them two.

"Why would Demi want to protect me and the girls?" YN asked.

Justin turns around.

Justin: I don't know exactly. Didn't you girls use to be best friends with her?

YN nods.

YN: we have history since middle school.

Justin: Hmm. One day you should tell me what happened.

YN nods and says, "Someday.." And walks off to their room.

Once the two get in their room, on the white carpet, it stated in bloody letters, 'COUNTING DOWN TO THE DAYS UNTIL YOU DIE. SO LONG GIRLS.'

YN takes a deep breath and hears a snapping sound from Justin's iPhone.

YN looks over at Justin and sees him taking the picture. Supposedly for evidence.

Story #1- The Endless GameWhere stories live. Discover now