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Justin then arrives at an abandon warehouse.

YN: Justin where are we?

Justin doesn't answer. He just stops the car and gets out to open YN'S door.

"Justin, answer me!"

YN screams.

Justin: Just relax, you trust me right?

YN nods slowly.

Justin: Then follow me .

YN then follows Justin, quietly.


When arriving at the door, YN could get a closer look at the warehouse.

"I don't have a good feeling about this.."

Said YN, sounding a bit frighten.

Justin looked back at YN, ago was behind him and replied, "Good, you shouldn't.."

When about to go inside, a death scream had filled in their ears.

Then suddenly, flashback quotes from the girls had yelling from inside the house.

'Whoever you are, get the hell out of here!'

'This is not funny!'

'Guys, relax.'

'I- I didn't leave my window opened. Honest, I didn't ..'

YN starts to speak, but Justin stops her.

Justin: Look, the only reason that I stopped here was because in the last note that you girls got, it stated an address, so I drove us here.. Hope your not mad.

YN shakes her head slowly, "No, I am not angry.."

Says YN slowly and turns around to face Justin and then says, "I'm furious!" And punches his arm.

"Ow!" Justin yells.

"I couldn't help it, the note said to come here, like what else was I suppose to do?!"

YN rolls her eyes and says viciously, "Ignore the fucking note?!"

Justin sighs and takes her hand leading her to the car.

Just as they were walking to Justin's car, they hear a loud crash coming from inside the warehouse.

YN and Justin both turn around and look at the house.YN squeezes Justin's hand even harder to stop him from going back in the direction of the warehouse.

"Jay, please.."

Justin looked at her, but shook his head and said, "Baby, this is the only way to find out who's doing this. We need evidence before going to the police, and I am not going anywhere without it."

YN still didn't let go of her grip on Justin.

"Pl-Please?" YN asked hopelessly.

Justin once more shook his head.

"Babe, YN, no. If you want to stay in the car, go ahead, I'll be out soon." Justin took a deep breath and looked into YN"s eyes and spoke the words that made her feel secured: "I promise."

YN shook her head still not letting go, but Justin loosened the grip and started walking towards the warehouse.

YN didn't go inside the car, she just stood there.

Once Justin made it to the door, he looked back and YN couldn't help it but just run to him and grabbed his hand. From there, Justin looked at her and YN nodded indicating that she would go inside with him.

"Baby, it might be dangerous."

"I don't give a damn. If you die, I die."

YN said horrified with tears in her dark, brown eyes. 

"Baby, who says we're going to die?"

YN shrugged and continued to hold his hand.

They both went inside slowly.

"Wait.." Justin whispered.

Justin and YN looked back at Justin's car and Justin locked it.

Justin looked at YN and said, "Let's go,"

'Looks like Justin's being serious, he didn't say Leggo, instead he said Let's go.'

YN thought and sighed. 

Justin then put on his flashlight on his iPhone.

YN was about to bring out her iPhone to put out her flash, but Justin stopped her and said, "One light is more than enough."

YN sighed once more.

They both began to walk around the warehouse.

"Let's go upstairs, I find nothing here." Justin said softly.

Once they both get upstairs, they enter a big room.

"What the hell?" YN said shocked.

They both found that the room was full of pictures. Pictures of YN, Marie, Carly, their families, and boyfriends.

"Great. I swear to god, if this is a guy Imma kill em' so hard as hell-" Justin said with stress.

"Let's just go and plus, I am sure that this is a girl."

"Unless this person is in a group or gang." Justin replied.

":Lets just go." YN said.

"Alright, let's head to my place, and get some rest."

YN nodded in agreement.

They both went downstairs and saw something written on the wall in the color of blood.

"Like what you see?

 More coming soon. The game is not over until I say so."

YN took a deep breath and just took Justin's hand leading hand leading him out of the house.

Just when Justin and YN went outside, they both gasped.

They both found Justin's car set on fire.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Justin yelled.

"What the fuck?! First, you get on my girl for no fuckin' reason, then you set my car on fire that my girlfriend gave me?!"

Justin yelled once more in frustration.

"Jay, I am so sorry."

Justin turned around and put his soft, warm hands on YN's face and said softly, "Shh, it's not your fault."

He then gave her a hug and they both started walking towards Justin's home.

Suddenly breathing sounds came from the background.

Story #1- The Endless GameWhere stories live. Discover now