You are the one..?

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After about 20 minutes of trying to start the car, The guys finally got the car to start.

After a few minutes of driving on a dark trail, demi had spoken up and said that there was another motel around to the left of the trail.

"Demi how did you know that?"

Asked Ryan suspiciously.

"Well, you guys know how Matthew and I have been watching over the girls?"

Everyone nods.

"Well, most of the time when I am out of town, i am either visiting family or just going out of state just to clear my mind, but when I come back here, I stay at this motel."

"So do the employees here know you?" Asked Marie.

Demi nods her head and says, "I've been staying here ever since camp."

"How could you afford this since then?"

Asked Carly.

Everyone then looks at her.

"What? Sorry, I was just wondering.."

Demi smiles and says, "remember, Matthew and I are on special business trips sometimes."

"That explains so much!" Exclaimed Carly.

Everyone laughs and gets out of the car once the car is parked.

Once they all get inside, each of the couples: Carly and Matthew, YN and Justin, and Marie and Ryan, get a room for each couple to share.

"Make up a fake name. Just incase of this anonymous person.."

Demi whispers to each of them. Everyone nods.

"I am going to go ahead and go to my room, which is near all of you guys rooms. If you guys need me, then I will be in room 22B."

Everyone nods.

After about 10 minutes of checking in, Matthew and Carly head into their room together.

"So what do you want to do?"

Asked Carly to Matthew.

Matthew didn't say anything.


Matthew then turns around at carly, looking at her furiously.

"How could you do such an awful prank on me? I was going to explain everything that night! But NO you had to get involved! I was only talking to Raina just to get information about you and make sure that you're safe! You know you could've came up to me and asked why I was following you around!"

Matthew yelled at Carly.

Carly looked shocked but yelled back at Matthew, "well, I would've, but you just had to be with someone at the moment! I didn't have enough time to stay at the frickin' party! How was I suppose to know? I wasn't signed up for being stalked just so that I can be protected! If you're so upset with me then i guess you can just stop protecting me! I can protect myself!"

And with having the last word, Carly left upset.

Instead of going to Marie or YN, she went to Demi, since she single and doesn't remind her of having a boyfriend.

Carly then knocks lightly on 22B, or in other words, Demi's room.


Carly says opening the door quietly.

Suddenly, Carly hears Demi talking to someone which seems to be on the phone.

Demi was facing the wall when she was talking to the person on the other line.

"Yes, they saw the package and YN told the story, just like you wanted and don't worry they will be done soon. I think I just want to play with them some more just as if they were my own personalized Barbie Dolls."

Demi said with a laugh.

Carly gasps a little loudly.

Demi turns around slightly and then looks back at the wall.

Carly then closes her door and says to herself, "Demi is the one who is doing this."

Suddenly, Carly feels a hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry! I just wasn't thinking I was upset. Don't say a word, let me finish. I love you and don't forget that! I was overreacting and I am so sorry! Please, please forgive me. And whether you like it or not, I am still going to protect you! I love you so much!"

Said Matthew still having his hand over her mouth then releasing it a few seconds after he finished his speech for her.

"I love you too and I am so sorry! I was overreacting! I should've just asked you! I will never leave you and please protect me. I can't live without your love and protection!"

Once Carly finishes her speech, the two kiss and hug.

"C'mon, I have to tell you and everyone something. Just text the guys and I'll text YN and Marie."

Said Carly.

"What about Demi?"

Matthew asked.

"It's about her." Carly replies.

Once everyone was inside the room, everyone noticed that demi was the only one not here.

"This Is about her.."

Carly says.

Everyone looks at Carly asking her to go on.

"Okay , well, demi is.."

"I'm the one sending these messages."

Demi says opening the doorway.

Everyone looks at her shocked.

"Out of town business= running you girls lives. And Matthew doesn't do this. Only I do, Carly."

Demi says and Carly nods.

Then she continues, "I was the first out of all the girls to get threaten from this anonymous person and I still don't know who this person is. I want to quit and I am right now. I don't want to hurt anybody. I really am sorry. Please trust me."

Demi says sorrowfully.

Everyone nods and says, "it's okay." And hugs Demi.

"How long have you been this person threatening us?"

Asked Marie.

"Since a couple months ago. I have been planning some stuff. I was planning on doing this for a little while then just quitting. I am sorry once again. This was my last plan to ruin your lives: Making you girls tell the guys the story. I was pressured into putting that package together. It will never happen again."

Everyone nods and hugs Demi once more.

"I quit!"

Demi screams.

They all laugh and smile and then suddenly, Demi's phone goes off.

"One email from unknown."

Demi says out loud.

"Read it." Ryan says.

"It says: you're quitting? Big mistake you'll ever make, Bitch. Nighty night my love' oh gosh. Here comes more torture. Even if I was working for this person, I would still be getting these stupid messages." 


Story #1- The Endless GameWhere stories live. Discover now