Chapter 5

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The bell had just ringed and it was time to go home. Ugh fuck my life I had to find Joshua in all this damn crowd! It was so many damn students at this fucking school.

"How was your first day at school?" Kjau asks while putting his arm over my shoulder an walking me down the hall.

"Ummm Good" I say removing his arm.

"Why you act so stuck up?" He asks.

"No I dont" I say.

"Yes you do. You act like you better than everybody or some shit. When everybody know we all the same" He says.

"First of all I've been thru alot in my life so I have the fucking rights to act this way! Second an who are you? You aint shit and probably will never be shit. And lastly dont you got a girl? You round here putting your arms on my shoulder an shit. Licking your lips at me, starring at me. Come on now? Its like you asking to bring drama to me. You just like the rest of the niggas, You aint shit" I say an walk off. How rude of him.


"You aint shit" she says and walks off. The fuck this girl think she talking to. I was just trying to be friendly to her lil cute thick ass. But damn I aint get no love back, I mean like I was feeling her a little. But ayee I aint trying no more. Fuck her.

"Babyyy" Shaniqua says coming up to me.

"Yeah" I say still walking.

"Im sorry" She says.

"Whatever man. I've been thru alot today. You know whats up?" I say touching her face. She already know I want this dick sucked.

"Anything for my baby. But can I at least go home and freshen up" she says.

"Man what the fuck? You can't just suck it and then do that?" I ask her.

"Ugh okay damn Kjay" She says. Im getting sick of this girl. She to damn easy. I tell this bitch to suck my dick and she says yeah like it aint nothing.

'Oh shitt" I say while Shaniqua is giving me head in my car in her own damn drive-way.  She good at shit like this. "Okay you done" I say pulling her up. She smiles and tries to kiss me.

'Hell naw" I say pushing her back.

"Every fucking time Kjay! EVERYTIME!" She says getting mad.

"You just had your lips on my dick? What you expect?'' I ask her laughing.

"You're such an asshole!" she says getting her bag.

"Whatever bruh. You know ion like that shit." I say.

"Fuck you bruh" She says an get out the car. I laug at her ass. Stupid hoes.

~A Month Later~

Diamond's P.O.V

A month had went by and me and Kjay still havent spoken to each other. We hardly talk for our project. I think he really hates my ass. Oh well he came at me wrong. Im now in 7th period doing the project. It feels so weird not talking to your own partner. Im falling for his ass but like I dont know if he feels the same about me. Look what I did to him. I dissed his ass so decent. Now all I can do is think about him non stop everyday.

"Kjay?" I say writing my paper at the same time.

"Yeah" he says.

"Uhhh....Soo...Like..." He cuts me off.

"What Diamond?" He asks looking at me impatiently.

"Nothing" I say rolling my eyes.

"Diamond" He says.

"Mhm" I say.

"You really hate me?" He asks. Nahh I really love yo ass i wanted to say so bad.

"No I dont hate you....Its just that you came at me the wrong way and you dont know what I've been thru in life" I say.

"What all you been thru Ma?" He asks. Its a turn on when a boy calls me that.

"Just alot" I say not trying to remember any of the events that I went thru.

"Lookk.. I may act like a jerk or some shit... But deep down inside I care for you. ALOT! We could be like bestfriends an tell each other everything. Only if you want?" He asks.

"I have trust issues... And like bestfriends dont work out with me. I only had one my whole life'' I say while my eyes are getting watery. Please dont cry in front of him. He stops writing and grabs one of my hands an pulls me into a hug.

"You can trust me Diamond. I'm telling you. I promise I want tell any of your secrets. Just trust me. I know ima fuck ass nigga but Ma when it comes to shit like this Ima be ahunnid" he says hugging me.

"Thank you Kjay" I say wiping my eyes.

" You welcome bestfriend" He says winking at me.

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