Still There 12/16/09 8:45p.m.

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Irreplacable are the words you began to say to me,
accostumbed to every kiss you felt like giving, but returned for you.
Beautiful is everything I perceive with you
like levitated waters formed into one's imagination
like the rivers are seperated to create the oceans.
Nothing, but the earth is surrounded by these heavens,
weather so perfect only do I want to stay and see it
because everyday it is still there.

Sinking with no trace stepping into a liquid.
Deeply am I falling quickly filling this area in it's shape.
My breath is drowned by love as you hid within my being.
Swimming to the surface as I saw you leave me, I am nothing.
Though you are still there as a memory. What should I be doing.
when all your expression was as the water, all you have said has no meaning.

My mind is like the sky as you represented the stars.
nor the day nor the night are they on time,
when the moment reaches there is one to be revealed.
Iluminating through the distance, only did it last an instant,
as the luminous eyes close,
their warmth is still there
never to fade even when the light burned out.

The one who can see, but cannot be seen.
Can touch, but cannot be touched.
Can speak, but cannot be heard.
Only can he feel as he is felt
thoroughly through each emotion you kept.
Meaning his description of sentiments
as you fulfilled every definition.
You defined the most beautiful words
because the significance is still there
like you were interpreted as everything
by my only soul.

Underneath the surface to beyond the universe's climax.
Beneath the depths of the ocean to the highest point above the galaxy's,
in between all is the essence in which keeps all existance alive,
it surrounds us in any second where everything lies.
Before you left I held my last breath,
I can only keep it for so long as I haven't exhaled.
You were, but all I needed inside
although you left as all the air from my world.
You are still there in quantity my lungs sustain.

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