''Not as much as I love you'' I whispered.

''Let me show you how much I love you'' he said and kissed me again. I smiled against his lips and jumped up, putting my legs around him. He put his hands on my butt to hold me up. I felt him walking somewhere, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do know was to be with him and kiss him.

I felt the soft mattress touch my back and then I was pushed into it. The kiss was hot and powerful. He soon deepened the kiss and we were now having a hot make out.

I felt his hands go down my sides to the end of my top. He wanted to take it off, but before I could take it off he ripped it apart. He pulled of his shirt and kissed me again.

I let my hands move around his abs. I felt him moan when my hand moved down towards his V-line. I smirked and moved it even lower. I felt his little friend get excited. He pulled away again from the kiss and took of my shorts and his pants.

He came back and started to kiss my neck. I put my legs around his waist to bring him closer. He started to kiss my mark and that's when my moans filled the room. He smiled against my mark and started to suck and bite on it.

He moved his hands and unclipped my bra, leaving me only in panties. Next he moved his hands down to my panties and pulled them off. I flipped us over so I was now on the top. I leaned down and kiss him. Moving my hands slowly down his abs and towards his lover half, I took off his boxers.

He flipped us over again so he would be on top, ''Sorry babe, I'm in control.''

This night he showed me exactly how much he loves me and I showed him how much I love him.


''Morning beautiful.'' Ross said when I opened my eyes.

''Morning.'' I said and looked up at him, smiling.

''How did you sleep?'' he asked me, pulling me down so my head would be on his chest.

''One of the best nights ever.'' I said and put my hand on his chest, next to my head.

''Do you want to stay in bed today?'' Ross asked.

''I would love that, but I have to go talk to The Moon Goddess'' I said and felt his arm go around my waist.


''I have questions that have to be answered'' I answered.

''What questions?'' he asked confused.

''About Derek and the war'' I said, ''That reminds me. I will have to tell you something, but not now''

''Okay'' he said and pulled me closer.

''Hey, I forgot to tell you yesterday something.'' I told him.

''What did you forget to tell me?'' he asked confused.

''I forgot to tell you that I am not officially in the pack so I'm not their Luna yet'' I said and looked up at him, in the eyes.

''Oh right, I forgot about that.'' He said, ''Why don't we have it tomorrow?''

''Tomorrow? I mean yeah we can have it tomorrow, but can we get everything ready?'' I asked him.

''Yeah, I'll ask somebody to get it ready by tomorrow'' he said and I nodded.

''Harry also has to join the pack.'' I said and he nodded.

''I know, you both be joining my pack tomorrow.'' He said.

''Okay'' I said and put my head back on his chest.

''Thank you for what you said yesterday. No one has ever said that to me.'' I whispered.

''I will say it as much as you want if it will make you happy.'' he said. I know he was smiling now.

''I love you Ross.'' I said and kissed his chest.

''I love you Laura.'' he said and kissed the back of my head.


''Hey,'' I said to the blue butterfly. He flew around my head and then landed on my nose, I giggled and asked, ''Can you take me to The Moon Goddess please?''

He flew in the air and started to fly straight. I followed him to the big castle where The Moon goddess is. We went through the big doors and walked up to the throne room.

The Moon Goddess was sitting at the windowsill looking out the window. She was wearing the same white dress she always wears. She had a warm smile on her face. She never looked at me, she just sat there looking at the window. She knew who I was.

''Hello my child.'' she said in her angel voice.

''Hello mother.'' I said and bowed my head in respect.

''Why have you come here my child?'' she asked never glancing at me, she was just sitting there looking out the window.

''I have some questions.'' I said.

''What questions do you want to ask me dear?'' she asked.

''I wanted to know what are Derek's powers?'' I asked her.

''I see'' she said still not looking at me, but with the smile on her face, ''You want to know about your enemy as much as possible, Am I correct?''

''Yes mother.'' I said, nodding my head.

''To answer your first question Derek has powers. He has two powers just like you, but they are different from yours and the same time alike. While you control water and fire... Derek controls wind and earth.'' she explained.

''We have the power of the four elements?'' I asked her and she nodded.

''Yes, each of you have two powers of the four elements. You have water and fire while he has wind and earth. Your both are equal with your powers. No one is stronger and no one is weaker. You both are stronger at something that you have and you both have different weaknesses. Each of you have something which is both your strengths and your weaknesses.'' She explained.

''Okay,'' I said, ''Derek said that the war will happen when both our powers are 10x stronger. When is that?''

''When I, The Moon Goddess and The Dark Moon Goddess will reunited'' she said and now she looked at me. When The Moon and The Dark moon reunite...? The eclipse!

''The eclipse.'' I said and she nodded.

''Yes my dear, the war will happen then.'' she said, now the smile has disappeared from her beautiful face.

''That is a month away...'' I whispered.

''Yes, you have to prepare for the war. You have to learn how to control your powers or else you can lose control and destroy everything... You have great powers and the grater they are, the more difficult they will be to control.'' She warned me.

''Where can I learn?'' I asked her, ''Can someone help me who know about the powers?''

''There is one person.'' she said.

''Who?'' I asked her.

''A man who lives in Africa.'' she said.


''Yes Africa, he is the only one who can help you, ''she said and I nodded, ''He lives in a village called Butre. His names Amos. Amos stands for 'carried by God'."

''How will I know who he is?'' I asked. I mean there will be other people.

''When you see him you will know who he is, just like he will know who you are.'' She said and I nodded.

''Okay, I will go there and find him'' I said and she nodded.

''I know you want to ask a question.'' She said and I looked down.

''Do any of my friend will die in the war?'' I asked, looking down. I felt a tear escape my eye, just thinking about it.

"My dear child, No one can stop destiny. Every one of us has there own destiny. I have mine, you have yours, Your mate has his and your friends have theirs.'' She said, " But remember everything happens for a reason..."

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