Chapter 16: I Try To Uncover Jason's Memories

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"Aim for the lake!" Annabeth screamed. Somehow one of the wheels caught fire.

Oh crap. I caught the wheel on fire. I heard one of the people on the chariot think, but I can't tell who thought it because everyone was thinking so loudly. It sounded like Leo though.

"Mal, can you cushion the fall?" Annabeth said, breaking my concentration.

"I can try." I said. All of a sudden, water exploded all around us. My bad. I thought.

"Not what I was hoping for."

"I kinda got that Annie."

We fell into the water. I instantly felt a warm sensation spread across my body. Unless I will myself to get wet, I have a waterproof skin over my body. The water must be really cold because I heard Jason think It's cold. But that is just me thinking. I grabbed Jason and hauled him to shore. Instantly a leaf blower blew warm air in Jason's direction, instantly drying him. It instantly dried Annabeth, Butch, Piper, and Leo as well.


Why was someone calling me? Oh crap, it's Ben.

"Um. Hey, Ben."

"I'm putting my phone on speaker." Ben said. "Where are you? Evie is worried sick. She woke up this morning, and you were gone."

"Remember at your coronation when I told you about Camp Half-Blood."

"You're at Camp Half-Blood. Why?"

"Do you remember Percy?"

"Your half brother. Yeah, why?"

"I got a call in the middle of the night last night from Percy's girlfriend, Annabeth. She told me that Percy is missing. I left in a hurry and I guess I forgot to leave Evie a note. I told Fairy Godmother where I was going and I have a pass for a couple of days. I'm sorry Ben, I really am. I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise."

"Mal, don't you dare.." I didn't hear the last part because I hung up.

"Is everything okay Mal?" Piper asked me.

"Yeah, I just didn't tell my roommate where I was going, because I found out in the middle of the night that Percy is missing, forgot to leave a note, and now she got my boyfriend worried, which is why he called, so he yelled at me about it. I didn't mean to worry them, I just got so worried about Percy that I came to Camp as soon as I heared."

"Mal, you have nothing to apologize for. If I had a brother who suddenly went missing, I would react the same way you did. Don't be to hard on yourself."

"Okay." Why did I just agree with Piper so easily. That was weird.

"Hey Mal, can you guide Jason around Camp Half-Blood? I don't have the time." Drew asked.

"Sure. Not like I'm dealing with a crisis right now!" I tried to say sarcastically.

"Okay. Thanks, hon!" Drew said. And she ran off, to probably do her nails and spread gossip about the campers.

"Jason, follow me."

We walked all the way to my secret hiding spot along the side of the lake. I put up an invisible tent there so when I get angry, I have a place to calm down. It was purple on the inside with pink and green pillows, beanbags, and cots spread throughout the tent. Jason followed me inside.

"Sit down, now." Jason took a seat on the nearest cot. I sat down next to him.

I put out my hand and was about to touch his forehead.

"What are you doing?" Jason asked me.

"I'm going to try to recover your memory. Now hold still."

I put my hand on his forehead and he immediately passed out.

"Mal, what are you doing?" Annabeth asked behind us.

"When I got my wings three months ago, I found out that I have other abilities, like levitation, shrinking down to the size of a butterfly, and enchanting nonanimate things to walk and talk. Another one of thoes powers is uncovering lost memories. So since Jason can't remember anything up until this morning, I thought that I could try to uncover his missing memories."

"That's not a bad idea. Are there any other powers that I should know about?"

"Nope, none." I wanted to keep my listening to other people's thoughts power to myself.

"How long does this usually take?" Annabeth asked.

"Not this long. I don't know what's wrong." I said, then I got thrown up against the tent wall. Jason woke up right after that.

"What happened? When did Annabeth get here and why are you up against the wall?" Jason asked me. "Did the uncovering thing work?"

"I don't think that it worked. I got some kind of lash back from you, and Annabeth walked in while I was trying to uncover your memory."

Ugh! I need to tell them about Piper and Leo. I heard Annabeth think.

"Is there sonething wrong with Piper and Leo?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes, how did.."

"Not important. Just tell us."

"Piper passed out in the Hera cabin and.."

"Wait, why was Piper in the Hera cabin?"

"The door was open. And Leo saw his old babysitter, Tia Callida."

"I saw something while I was asleep." Jason mentioned.

"Really, what?" Annabeth asked.

"I saw a woman. She said that I had to free her. What does that mean?"

"Hold up. Did she wear a goat skin cloak?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Jason asked.

"Annabeth, didn't Hera wear a goat skin cloak in your dream?" Avoiding the question. One of the things I do best.


"Okay, we found a connection." I said as I looked for a sketch pad.

"What connection?" Jason asked.

"Okay, this started with Percy going missing." I said as I wrote Percy's name in a box on a blank peice of paper in my sketch pad. "Then Annabeth had a dream from Hera, then Piper passed out in Hera's cabin. Jason had a vision with Hera in it. Leo saw Tia Callida, and I bet my emergency stash of drachmas that she also wore a goat skin cloak, and was really Hera."

"I'm starting to think that Hera is key." Annabeth said.

"You bet your Charles Dickens it is."

"Who's Charles Dickens?" Jason asked.

"An author. He wrote A Christmas Carol." I responded.

"Doesn't ring a bell." Jason said.

"NOT THE POINT! The point is that Hera has something to do with this. I think I know what happened to Percy."

"Really, what?" Annabeth asked.

I looked her straight in the eye, and said "I think that Hera kidnapped him. I know it sounds crazy, but look at the facts."

Annabeth looked at me and said "I think that your right. But why would Hera do that?"

"I don't know, but we will find Percy, no matter what the cost."

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