Chapter 7: Making A Love Spell To Make Ben Fall In Love With Me

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"Identify yourself!" Jay, shocker.


"Sorry Mal."

"Where were you? I was worried sick!" Evie.

"Chill out, I was only gone for an hour."

"3 hours. Mal, you were gone for 3 hours." Evie again. "Anwser the question, right now."

"If you must know, I was with Ben. But I found out things. The next time that Fairy Godmother is using the wand is at Ben's coronation. I asked Ben if we could sit up front with him, but he said that the only people up front are himself, his folks, and his girlfriend. So we need Ben to fall in love with either me or Evie and we can get the wand. Easy peasy."

"Good thinking, but we need a love spell." Carlos said.

"Jay, pass me my spellbook."


"We still a tear of human sadness, and I don't cry." I said.

"There's a perdiciment." Jay, stating the obvious.

"Oh, hey Mal." God bless you Lonnie.

"Hey Lonnie. I need you to do something for me."

"Okay, what?"

"Tell us a sad story that you went through."

"Okay, one year for Christmas, I got a puppy and she got ran over by a car."

"Quick question, What's Christmas?" Carlos asked.

"You guys don't know what Christmas is?"


"Christmas is when your parents give you presents. That proves how much they love you."

"What's a present?" I asked.

"Have you never celebrated a birthday, Mal."


"How awful." And Lonnie started crying.

I caught the tear as Lonnie was about to walk out. I put the tear in the cookie mix, then lead Lonnie out.

"Get Ben, Jane, Chad, and Doug. Meet down here in 10ish minuets. I'll text you when it's safe to come down here." I whispered to her.

She nodded, then left.

"Boys, cookie sheet, Evie, oven."

About 5 minutes later, Evie, Jay, and Carlos went back to their dorms after I volunteered to clean up. I threw away the cookie that Evie put into the oven.

I texted Lonnie: You guys can come in now.

All 5 of my new friends entered the kitchen.

"Who here knows how to make Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies?"

Everyone raised their hands.

"Good, because that's what we need to make."

Ben raised his hand. "Why?"

"Because, since my mom is putting me, Jay, Evie, and Carlos to stealing Fairy Godmother's wand, and Ben's girlfriend gets to sit in the front row, so we put a love spell in a Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie that I would give to Ben tomorrow."

"So basically you want to make a love spell free duplicate." Jane said.


"Let's get to work then, we don't have all night!" Chad said.

"Hey, Ben! Can you help me find the ingredients?" I called.

"I'll be right over."

Right after Ben got over, he kissed me for the third time tonight.

"Um, is there something we missed?" Doug said.

"Oh, yeah. Me and Mal are dating." Ben said casually.

"Well, I kinda got that. I ment that you guys kissed."

"Oh, yeah. We kissed on top of the Ferris Wheel."

After we found the ingredients, we put them in the bowl, and put it in the oven.

"Ben, to make my friends think that I gave you the love spell cookie, you need to go a little over the top when it comes to me. Okay?"


We all left the kitchen after we were done and went to the dorms. Opperation Cookie is in effect.

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