"So beautiful. Jahan will lost himself today." Robi Bhabhi said and I knew this won't happen.

I smiled weakly and covered my head with Hijab and wore my Abaya( Gown). We all were ready. Waqas Bhai came to pick us. My journey started to the hall where the function was held but now I wanted to see his reaction. I wanted him to be stun when he look at me.

In Hall...

As we reached hall,I was taken out from the car. I saw Saba aapi with Nayab Bhabhi waiting for us. Madiha Bhabhi helped me to walk to them. My Frock was so heavy with its embroidery.

"Jahan is there. Go to him and come in after a while." Saba aapi said and I nodded.

Madiha Bhabhi helped me in taking off my Abaya and Hijab. She did my hair again with her hands and pushed me toward Jahan. I looked at them and they all smiled. All ladies entered the hall while I took steps toward Jahan who was busy in his mobile. I stood next to him but he didn't looked at me.

"Salaam." I said slowly,tried to take his attention.

He turned and looked at me. Finally he looked at me but on next second,he averted his eyes from me.

"Walikumusalam." He replied and put his mobile in his coat.

He was wearing three piece suit of fully black. I keep looking at him who was looking so handsome.

"Let's go." He said and I nodded and lowered my eyes.

I and Jahan looked at each other again before taking a step and took little steps together to enter the hall. Jahan opened the door and we both enter the hall, where everyone was waiting for us.
I looked up and saw a lot of women were looking at us. I could see their envious gaze on us. I slightly turned my head to see Jahan who was walking beside me.

How I tell you that walking with you like this is giving me proud and honour. You will never understand what you give me Jahan. you give me my identity. I was nobody to everyone and now I'm been recognized as Mrs.Jahan Ahmed .

I was talking with Jahan in my heart that for the first time, walking around so many people,I didn't get scared. He gave me that confidence which he had in his personality. Today,I could see those eyes on me who never wanted to see me. My those cousins and relatives were there who never looked at me and now were looking at me with praise and envious gaze. I again slowly looked up to see him who was walking slowly to match my steps and my eyes filled with tears. The tears of joy and honour. I was walking slowly and so he was also walking slow,to be with me.

Jahan walking with you is like,I'm on the seven cloud. Matching your steps with me is making me fall for you.

I was talking to Jahan in my heart when I found him looking at me. As I looked at him,a tiny tear escaped from my eyes in happiness and he looked away and I smiled.

We headed to the stage and sat next to each other on the sofa which was place on the stage. The gathering was of women. All the women and girls were looking at us. Ladies and gents were attending the functions separately. Two places were arranged;one for ladies and one for gents. We were in ladies hall. Everyone came forward one by one and congratulate us.

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